Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1



Rather than use the photo-etch I tried using the kit decals in one of the cockpits. Actually they
worked really well, not much being seen anyway, as they are rather buried at the front.

And the other panel with decals although note the ammo counter at the top was from an
Airscale set as Eduard don’t include it. Not as sharp as the photo-etch but I’d be happy to use it

highlights and fading to be recreated. I
thought I’d try out the wash developed by Roy
Sutherland, proprietor of Barracuda Studios
namely a 50/50 mix of water and Future fl oor
polish and enough Tamiya (or GSI Creos)
black to make a thin, transparent wash. The
effect is lovely and I am a convert! When
the decals were dry Vallejo Satin Varnish
(which dries pretty much matt) was applied

to seal everything in and some light paint
chipping applied.

Before the fuselage halves could be added
the engine needed to be painted up. Unlike
the older later variants just the front face is
moulded. This is basic but there’s enough
there so if someone with a torch shines it in the

front enough will be seen past the cooling fan.
The only other job that needed doing was to
paint and then glue the Barracuda exhausts in
place. The kit exhausts are open but shallow
whereas the Barracuda resin has very deep
and exquisitely thin exhaust pipes and are a
drop-in fi t. Given the amazing quality and very
cheap price of the set, it makes it pretty much
there so if someone with a torch shines it in the a perfect improvement.a perfect improvement.

Primed and ready for action. The front has been masked with
sponge and the unused canopies tacked into place to protect
the cockpits.

Fitting both cockpits was easy - this being the kit

Rather than all the cowlings being made up of separate
parts, the side panels are integral with the fuselage. This
simplifi es construction a lot and if you want the open
engine set it’s a simple matter to remove them.

The female part
of the markings’
masks were
applied and a very
light mist coat of
the white applied.
This provides a
guide, minimising
paint wastage and

ROTTE LOVELY COLLECTION.indd 24 04/05/2018 15:00

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