Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Issue 155 - 25

And with that, the fuselage halves were
joined. Both my kits had a strange moulded
raised line just inside the plastic’s edge. It
wasn’t a snag as it just sanded off
when cleaning up the seams
but it is a little odd given
the overall fi nesse of
the kit.
After clean up the
separate gun decks
were added. The
upper cowl had a slight
lip when dry-fi t so this
needed to be tweaked
with a sanding stick, but
overall the fi t was extremely
precise. The gun barrels (hollow by
the way) need to be fi tted before the cowl is
glued on but fear not, masking tape will easily
slip under them so painting them after the
camoufl age is not a problem as you can see in
the photos.
The fi nal job was to add the cockpit
coaming. This wasn’t tricky with the 'Weekend'
kit but the BRASSIN resin was a bit of a fi ddle
and I struggled with the instrument panel

A few attempts were needed to get the squares for the nose
markings correct, and I had to cheat a bit, the lower row is
actually slightly rectangular!

What can I say
other than this is
the yellow after

Yellow on the fuselage
is for the 6 numeral
and masking applied
on the nose to prevent
overspray from the
black as this will affect
the RLM 76 next.

Yep, that’s the black. Actually
it’s Tamiya Rubber Black, Red
Brown and Buff

initially, so I’d be tempted to go with the plastic
part even if I was using the BRASSIN set.

Most of the parts for the wheel wells were
painted on the runners which works well.

Mr. Hobby RLM 02 being the choice here
followed by Roy’s wash and Vallejo’s satin
varnish. The cannon barrels were cut off to be
added right at the end of the project. Normally
I’d get some of those amazing Master Barrels
but I wanted to see how the kit parts stood

I mentioned the nose guns were easy to mask, here’s the

Job done. There’s a bit of overspray in the gun troughs and
elsewhere but that was easily touched up.

With hindsight I wouldn’t spray the black before the camoufl age
again. I don’t normally, but I thought I’d try it this time round. We
have to try these things to refi ne our techniques.

ROTTE LOVELY COLLECTION.indd 25 04/05/2018 15:00

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