Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1



to paint my markings where I can and if you
fancy trying it, Luftwaffe schemes are an ideal
way to try them out. My method is to paint the
light colours fi rst so the white was laid down
before placing the appropriate masks. The
nose chequers were measured,
masks cut out from Tamiya
tape, added to the nose,
removed, re-measured,
re-cut out and then
re-applied. With that
done, the yellow was
applied and as the
rudders weren’t glued
on, no masking for
the A-3 was required.
Now the black parts of the
markings were sprayed and
then masked. Normally I do this
after the camoufl age but wanted to try it out
this time but despite my best efforts the black
did affect the RLM 76 a tiny bit so I’ll go back
to my usual method next time.
Now to the camoufl age. The JG. 1 aircraft
was straightforward with RLM 76 from Mr.
Hobby laid down, lightened with white, then
highlights and fading added before a hint
(and I mean the merest hint) of black so
darkened areas could further break up the
monotone. I don’t use black basing thing
as I think it just looks like a transparent top
coat, preferring the control and overall effect
of post-shading. Note its also not a marbled

effect as aeroplanes rarely weather like this, I
add the effects in larger, 'cloudier' areas and
along some, not all panel lines. It’s what I call
'logical randomness'. The upper surfaces were
fi nished using the same method but this time
using Mr Paint with freehand demarcations, a
few drops of Mr. Color Rapid Thinner helping
with the mottling.
The late-war aeroplane was a bit of a
conundrum. I came across a profi le of an A-3
from late in the war in RLM 76, 82, 83 on an
old Cutting Edge decal sheet. I couldn’t fi nd
any information or photos anywhere, so trusted

Base-coat complete
on the A-3, next
up is the late-war

to paint my markings where I can and if you
fancy trying it, Luftwaffe schemes are an ideal
way to try them out. My method is to paint the
light colours fi rst so the white was laid down
before placing the appropriate masks. The
nose chequers were measured,
masks cut out from Tamiya
tape, added to the nose,
removed, re-measured,
re-cut out and then
re-applied. With that
done, the yellow was
applied and as the
rudders weren’t glued
on, no masking for
the A-3 was required.

effect as aeroplanes rarely weather like this, I
add the effects in larger, 'cloudier' areas and
along some, not all panel lines. It’s what I call
'logical randomness'. The upper surfaces were
fi nished using the same method but this time
using Mr Paint with freehand demarcations, a
few drops of Mr. Color Rapid Thinner helping
with the mottling.

after the camoufl age but wanted to try it out
this time but despite my best efforts the black
did affect the RLM 76 a tiny bit so I’ll go back

Now to the camoufl age. The JG. 1 aircraft
was straightforward with RLM 76 from Mr.
Hobby laid down, lightened with white, then
highlights and fading added before a hint
(and I mean the merest hint) of black so
darkened areas could further break up the
monotone. I don’t use black basing thing
as I think it just looks like a transparent top
coat, preferring the control and overall effect
of post-shading. Note its also not a marbled

The late-war aeroplane was a bit of a
conundrum. I came across a profi le of an A-3
from late in the war in RLM 76, 82, 83 on an
old Cutting Edge decal sheet. I couldn’t fi nd
any information or photos anywhere, so trusted

with the mottling.
The late-war aeroplane was a bit of a
conundrum. I came across a profi le of an A-3
from late in the war in RLM 76, 82, 83 on an
old Cutting Edge decal sheet. I couldn’t fi nd
any information or photos anywhere, so trusted

RLM 82 can look a bit garish like this but will look better
when the darker RLM 83 goes down.

Final weathering and the
matt coat will blend the paint
scheme and create a nice
scale appearance.

Fading the base coat as I go
along is the main aspect
of my weathering.
Here the greens are
lightened with white,
note that it is subtle
and the effect is
built up as I go

Mr. Neo masking fl uid had
been applied with a
sponge over the RLM
74/75 base coat as
I assumed this was
a fi eld paint job
and would wear

ROTTE LOVELY COLLECTION.indd 28 04/05/2018 15:01

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