Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Issue 155 - 29

A pair of basecoated Focke-
Wulfs; there’s no decals yet,
this is all paint.

The HGW decals
have been on for
around 3 hours, the
instructions say
wait for 6-8 but I
was impatient!

And the carrier
fi lm just peels
away leaving the
stencil looking
painted on. Such
a simple, clever,
innovative idea and
for me a game-

the details in the instructions
but I’m assuming the colours
have been interpreted from
Black and White photos and
therefore may not be reliable. That
being said, an early A-3 in this scheme
was too tempting so it had to be done
in this case using Mr. Hobby paints the
greens being applied over the early 74/75
camoufl age.
Following a light coat of Gunze Sangyo GX-
100 Gloss (great stuff by the way) the decals
were added and for these models I thought
I’d have a go using the HGW range. These
work differently to traditional decals, you cut
them out (the carrier fi lm is continuous), apply
them in the usual way then after 6-8 hours
the carrier fi lm is carefully peeled off leaving

ROTTE LOVELY COLLECTION.indd 29 04/05/2018 15:01

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