Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1



just the marking. They are superb, the phrase
'game changer' came to mind and I’ll be using
them at every single opportunity I get.
A few coats of the ubiquitous Vallejo Flat
Vanish came next which must be my favourite
stage of modelling! It’s where I think the model
turns into a miniature version of the real thing
and this time thanks to HGW I didn’t have to
worry about hiding any carrier fi lm either as

I’d just
peeled it
all off!
I kept the weathering
quite light on these. Some
paint chipping was applied using Ammo’s
acrylic aluminium and a fi ne brush fi nished off
with a sponge. Post-shading with an ultra-thin
mix of black, buff and red brown to build up

Normally, I use the pin wash method but here I slapped on an oil wash to enhance the rivets. They will look slightly too pronounced
so on my next one I’ll revert to the pin wash again but I thought in this review I’d highlight them for the reader.

Macro lenses will exaggerate to some extent!

Not too much paint chipping, just a little applied using a
fi ne brush and sponge.

My absolute all time favourite stage
is the matt coat, a model turns into a
miniature aeroplane.

ROTTE LOVELY COLLECTION.indd 30 04/05/2018 15:01

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