Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1


With the main assembly more
or less complete it was time to
start thinking about the fi nal colour
scheme and painting stages. The

two options given are some of the
best known markings ever applied
to the Mustang; ‘LOU IV/Athelene’
fl own by Colonel T.J.J.Christian and
and ‘Desert Rat’ fl own by Captain

Herschel Pascoe. Some may say
that they are rather obvious and
ubiquitous choices, but personally I
like them both and the LOU IV is a
classic scheme which has stirred up



The two side panels could be added
independently of each other allowing you to
line everything up. The radio and battery boxes
fi x neatly onto the rack above the fuel cell and
also have decals to be applied.

This is the complete cockpit unit with front
bulkhead fi tted as well as the instrument
panel, rudder pedals and canopy rail. For
the price this kit sells for, this really is an
amazingly detailed cockpit.

scheme and painting stages. The and ‘Desert Rat’ fl own by Captain and ‘Desert Rat’ fl own by Captain

You can see here how a
wash really brings those
fabric seatbelts to life. I used
a simple home made wash
with Burnt Umber artists oils
and white spirit; it soaks into
the fabric belts and lifts the
delicate stitching pattern
imparting a suitably used and
worn look.

The decals for the cockpit and in particular the instrument panel really are a
fantastic addition in 1:32 scale. I used a hairdryer to ensure the instrument
panel decal settled into the recesses, heat shrinking them quickly and easily.

P-51.indd 36 04/05/2018 16:00

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