Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Issue 155 - 37

some debate over the years as to the colours
it may have been painted, with some believing
that the camoufl age green was actually blue? I
am not going to go down that stony path here,
but suffi ce to say that to this modellers eye it
looks green and so that is what I went with and
followed the Revell painting guide.
The undercarriage is very nicely detailed
and fi ts relatively positively, though it could be
a little less sloppy to ensure the forward rake
of the undercarriage is set correctly. The tail

A real bugbear of mine are solid exhaust stubs. Maybe this is
acceptable in 1:72, possibly in 1:48 scale, but 1:32?! They
really should have hollow tips at the very least. To that end, each
stub was carefully drilled and fi led out.

FAR LEFT: The rear exit ramp
of the radiator and the tail
wheel bay and doors all form
a subassembly. These all
needed painting before being
assembled, I also added some
scratches and a wash to make
them looks used and worn.

LEFT: The air intake mouth and
radiator face were airbrushed
Gun Metal and then received
and oily brown wash to tone
down the brightness of the
metallic paint.

it may have been painted, with some believing
that the camoufl age green was actually blue? I

looks green and so that is what I went with and

really should have hollow tips at the very least. To that end, each

The whole oil cooler, radiator and tail wheel bay subassembly is now
ready for installation. Note the tab and slot locating points, making for
a foolproof assembly.

Here you can see here the correct
orientation for this sub-assembly. The two
radiator faces are simple but effective
slot-in pieces, whilst the oil cooler
intakes is clearly visible here.

These small recessed holes suggest later versions are planned
with underwing rockets, so need fi lling and sanding fl ush
as rockets are not included in this kit. This is noted in the
instructions, though it puzzled me as to why they were not
recessed on the inner sides of the wing out of sight?

With care, the exhausts and shrouds can be assembled and
fi tted after painting. The instructions would have you fi t these
all at the same time, which would make for some complicated
masking when it comes to main painting. They were painted and
set to one side while the backing plates were fi xed in place.
Issue 155 - 37

I found it infi nitely easier to install the lower intake subassembly
before the cockpit unit. It is a positive location and fi ts perfectly
and aligned correctly.

P-51.indd 37 04/05/2018 16:01

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