Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1



on the wings with the overpainted invasion
stripes showing through slightly, I could fi nd
no defi nitive evidence either way so opted to
follow the instructions.
I painted the Olive Drab panels with Tamiya
acrylic and the green sections using the same
manufacturer’s paints all of which went down
as usual, perfectly.
It was starting to come to life now and the
decals only enhanced this, of which there were
few, all of which settled perfectly with a little

I did fi nd the cockpit sidewalls needed a little glue and
clamping to ensure they fi tted fl ush to the cockpit sills.
Clothes pegs to the rescue...

The gunsight can be affi xed to the cockpit coaming before being
fi tted to the cockpit itself. Though moulded in clear plastic, the
actual part to remain clear is easily masked off.

The inside panels of the windscreen section were masked as well
as the outside in order that the interior could be painted matt black.
If an aftermarket manufacturer is listening? Please sort out a set of
pre-cut masks to ease this process.

as the outside in order that the interior could be painted matt black. as the outside in order that the interior could be painted matt black.
If an aftermarket manufacturer is listening? Please sort out a set of If an aftermarket manufacturer is listening? Please sort out a set of
pre-cut masks to ease this process.

The windscreen section neatly painted inside matt black so
the outside can now be carefully masked up before it is fi tted
to the fuselage.

The windscreen fi tted into the recess with less than stellar results. A rather substantial step was
evident on both sides as well as gap at the front face. A coat of grey primer highlighted these areas

Although it looks a mess here, Milliput smoothed with a wet fi nger was the best cure for the
apparent step and gap on the windscreen. The surrounding areas were masked off to ensure
nothing else was damaged by fi ller getting where it shouldn’t

With the masking tape removed the extent of the putty needed became more evident. This was left
overnight to fully dry out and cure before being sanded back.

Wet and dry paper was used with plenty of water to sand back the Milliput to ensure a smooth
transition to the fuselage. With hindsight, I could have shimmed the insides of the windscreen with
plastic card slivers though this would risk stress marks appearing on the clear parts.

P-51.indd 40 04/05/2018 16:01

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