Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Issue 155 - 33

The main gear doors are moulded as one piece should you wish
to build the model with the wheels up, but will need cutting up if
you want the wheels down. Follow the instructions with a razor
saw and you’ll not go wrong.

All the undercarriage legs and doors were sprayed Super
Metallic Chrome Silver. The knock-out panels on the inner
main doors were lightly sprayed with Alclad Magnesium, this is
pointed out in the instructions.

The undercarriage doors needed to be held in place with blu-tac
and some tape to ensure the black and white invasion stripes
match the wings, they also double as masks for the wheel bays
at the same time.

The yellow nose section was painted fi rst before being masked
off. Lacquer thinner helped speed up the drying and ensured
a smooth fi nish for the yellow enamel. Although somewhat
unconventional, Japanese ID Yellow was the shade I used being
the closest match in my paints stocks.

The fl aps were temporarily attached with Blue-Tak at this point
to enable the underwing invasion stripes to be painted with

When painting large areas of white my “go-to” solution is
Tamiya Fine White Primer. I decant it for the airbrush and thin
it slightly but otherwise it really is foolproof. When dry it gives
a rock solid, opaque and smooth fi nish that can be masked or
sanded if needed.

Although decals are supplied for the black invasion stripes, I
thought it was hugely optimistic of Revell to believe they all
would line up correctly. To that end I followed the painting guide
and masked off the white sections.

The black invasion stripes were carefully airbrushed on using
Tamiya XF-1 Flat Black. The amount of masking may seem
overkill, but I was taking no chances with overspray.

With some paint on it the work of fairing in the windscreen
section came to light and it looked far better. This would now
need to be masked up before the fuselage could be sprayed

would line up correctly. To that end I followed the painting guide
and masked off the white sections.

overkill, but I was taking no chances with overspray. need to be masked up before the fuselage could be sprayed

Before the silver can go down, all the
invasion stripes were masked off, as were
the stripes on the horizontal stabilisers. I
also removed the fl aps here too as they
kept falling off!

P-51.indd 41 04/05/2018 16:02

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