Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Issue 155 - 57

tip and pitot tube are from Master models.
Sadly the correct canopy comes in the form of
a vac-form replacement, but does have masks
included to make painting easier.
I chose to build mine as a Colombian TC.10,
as seen at the Red Flag exercises at Nellis
AFB in July 2012. The top of the aircraft is
entirely Gunship Gray, the underside being
light grey. I am used to weathering my builds
quite heavily, so it was quite novel to try and

create subtle effects on
this one - but we are getting
ahead of ourselves.
This kit presented quite a different approach
for me in terms of construction. I normally start
with the cockpit, but as this was incorporated
into the resin front section I would have to
leave this step until much later in proceedings.
I began by removing the Kinetic plastic
from the sprues. I also removed all the resin

pieces from their
casting blocks. Using
the excellent Bucksaw from RB
Productions, I removed the front section
of the fuselage from the intakes forwards and
also the dorsal spine. Once this was cleaned

Painted in Hataka
paint - both
Lacquer and acrylic
paint was used
for this.

Preparing the wings to be
glued together- these had
to be clamped to hold them
in place - whilst the glue
was setting.

The major assemblies
once glued together and
all joints fi lled.

Painting the
inside of the

create subtle effects on
this one - but we are getting
ahead of ourselves.
This kit presented quite a different approach
for me in terms of construction. I normally start
with the cockpit, but as this was incorporated

leave this step until much later in proceedings.

pieces from their
casting blocks. Using
the excellent Bucksaw from RB
Productions, I removed the front section
of the fuselage from the intakes forwards and

Clamping the
intakes in place to
allow the glue to set
without causing a
lip at the rear of the

Issue 155 -

entirely Gunship Gray, the underside being
light grey. I am used to weathering my builds
quite heavily, so it was quite novel to try and

into the resin front section I would have to
leave this step until much later in proceedings.
I began by removing the Kinetic plastic
from the sprues. I also removed all the resin

with the cockpit, but as this was incorporated
into the resin front section I would have to
leave this step until much later in proceedings.
I began by removing the Kinetic plastic

The underside of the fuselage with all the
seams fi lled and sanded fl ush.

Front canard added and the master metal nose
cone glued in place.

BIG CAT.indd 57 04/05/2018 16:33

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