Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1



up I test fi tted the resin replacement parts,
which appeared to be a perfect fi t.
The forward fuselage and nose section
of the kit are supplied in three sections. The
upper cockpit sub-assembly has to be glued
onto the wheel wells. Once this was glued
together it left quite a large seam that I fi lled
with Deluxe Perfect Plastic Putty. The nose
was then glued in place. This fi t perfectly once
all of the excess resin had been removed,
requiring no fi ller. I glued the rest of the
fuselage together, fi t the resin dorsal spine and
fi lled all the join lines with Milliput.
Once this was done it was time to marry
both sections together. This did not pose any
issues and only a minimal amount of fi ller was
used in the process.
The next stage was to assemble and paint

The two resin
panels primed
using Mr Surfacer
Black 1500

The two resin

panels primed
using Mr Surfacer

Starting to add the detail using
Hataka Blue Line acrylic paint

up I test fi tted the resin replacement parts,

The forward fuselage and nose section
of the kit are supplied in three sections. The
upper cockpit sub-assembly has to be glued
onto the wheel wells. Once this was glued
together it left quite a large seam that I fi lled
with Deluxe Perfect Plastic Putty. The nose
was then glued in place. This fi t perfectly once
all of the excess resin had been removed,
requiring no fi ller. I glued the rest of the
fuselage together, fi t the resin dorsal spine and

Once this was done it was time to marry
both sections together. This did not pose any
issues and only a minimal amount of fi ller was

The next stage was to assemble and paint

Detail painted on both
panels- it looks much more
effective at actual size

Both panels glued into the aircraftBoth panels glued into the aircraft

BIG CAT.indd 58 04/05/2018 16:33

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