Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1



evell continues with their release of kits in
this increasingly popular scale. Following on
from a series of ‘Easy Kits’ of this aircraft in
1:100 from Revell (thus pointing to this being
the same or similar, though I don’t have one
of those kits to compare this to), this new release is a
delicately moulded kit with plenty of fi ne detail and the
kind of simplifi ed assembly that makes it perfect for
beginners, children or those just looking for something
quick and easy to build.
Parts count is small and thus assembly time will be
short. That is offset by some rather lovely panel lines
and a shape that seems to be accurate and pleasingly
realistic. Though the airframe is well detailed, the same
cannot be said for some of the smaller areas, the
cockpit being little more than a rather plain tub with two
ejection seats and despite the fact that the kit only al-
lows the aircraft to be modelled with the undercarriage
retracted, there are no pilots to complete the interior...

Breakdown is as straightforward as you could hope
for, the upper and lower fuselage being single parts
with the former including tailplanes moulded in situ.
Separate wings complete with toothed gears for that all
important play value, fi ns and two-part nose complet-
ing the picture. Underwing stores include fuel tanks,
Phoenix missiles and then the shoulder mounted Spar-
rows and sidewinders, all of which are single pieces
exhibiting detail that can in some cases be described
as utilitarian rather than delicate. What the kit gives
with one hand, it takes away with the other...
If the plastic parts are pleasing, the decal sheet is
doubly so. Though small in size it offers a wonderful
set of markings for a three-tone grey, VF-2 ‘Bounty
Hunters’ aircraft in full-colour CAG markings. All of the
decals are perfectly printed and will look very nice in
place, especially if you take time to carefully paint and
weather the underlying fi nish.

Scale: 1:100/ Revell/Materials: IM/Kit No: RV3950/All Good Model Shops/Price: £9.99



I rather like this kit and so I think will you. I’m not sure how you get around the rather empty cockpit — unless you have a stash of 1:100 pilots — but even
so, this cut-price kit will be a fun diversion away from other more complex builds and despite its foibles, adds to the list of available kits of this aircraft, rather
nicely...(Spencer Pollard)



eller’s venerable Texan makes a reappear-
ance thanks to Revell. Released at the start
of the 80s, Heller’s kit has been around for
some time now and that shows in the levels
of detail, the raised panel lines and the
single-piece canopy. But hang on! Wasn’t the Heller kit
supposed to be accurate in outline and relatively easy
to build? Well, yes and that’s why despite it’s age, I’m
rather happy to see this one return.
Careful scrutiny of the four runners reveals a rather
complex little kit that includes a reasonably complete
cockpit featuring seats, instrument panels (decorated
with decals), control columns and a full fl oor, a rather
neat engine with separate pushrods and exhaust
ring, clear wing lights, separate air intakes and such
delicacies as individual control hinges for the ailerons.
Surface detail is replicated using raised panel lines, but

not overly so, the surface detail being fi ne and relatively
unobtrusive and given that the real aircraft is hardly a
bar of soap, this is unlikely to disturb all but the most
In keeping with its Heller lineage, the kit also features
a set of underwing stores including rocket pods and gun-
packs, all of which are redundant thanks to the less than
warlike colour scheme that Revell has chosen for their
release, a rather wonderful aluminium aircraft decorated
with swatches of yellow-trimmed red panels. The decals
are superb by the way. Replicating much of the scheme,
they offer the scalloped trim in front of the cowling, but
not the rest of the red plumage so matching may be a
hurdle to overcome, but with care the aircraft should be
easy enough to fi nish and will look more than pleasing
once complete.

Scale: 1:72/Revell/Materials: IM/Kit No. RV3924 /Availability: All Good Model Shops/Price: £9.99


There are better kits of this aircraft in miniature, but I can’t help but like this one. Having built the original Heller
T-6G when it was released, I have a rather soft spot for it so this had a leg-up in my affection before I opened
the box. That said, there are issues to overcome, the one-piece canopy being just one. Do that though, apply a
nice fi nish and you should have something that looks good in the display case - and let’s be honest, who can
resist one of those gorgeous post-war USAF schemes/ (Spencer Pollard)

Breakdown is as straightforward as you could hope

Separate wings complete with toothed gears for that all

NR KITS 155.indd 64 04/05/2018 16:45

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