Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Issue 155 - 71



he second of Revell’s re-releases this month,
sees them return to their old back catalogue
to bring a 1:72 Nighthawk back to market.
First released in 1992, though old, the kit
features an intriguing mix of fi ne detail, seem-
ingly accurate shapes and a simplicity that’s hard to
get past, only 37 pieces being used to complete this
deceptively large model.
Thanks to the low number of parts, such things as
an open canopy are noticeable by their absence which
is more than forgivable thanks to the truly terrible
cockpit! Moulded in one part, the lack of depth and
detail is more than matched by an ejection seat that
has more in common with a gentleman’s club leather
chair than it does an ACES II, but fear not, little will be
seen through the closed canopy, thick glazing and the
canopy frames moulded in-situ with the upper fuselage

If the cockpit is less-than-stellar, the rest of the kit
fairs rather better. The shape of the aircraft is well-cap-
tured and where needed, panel lines are fi nely scribed
and vents delicately rendered. A reasonably well-
appointed bomb-bay is included along with two LGBs,
their actuators and the inner surfaces of the open bay
doors being fi ne and more than acceptable. The under-
carriage is similarly detailed, single-part wheels and
legs being supplied along with individual gear doors.
It’s nothing fancy, but is more than acceptable.
Continuing the simple approach to the kit, the decal
sheet offers a single Holloman-based jet from the 49th
FW during 2006. Overall black of course, the markings
in grey offer a degree of contrast and thanks to the
accuracy and superb printing of the sheet, should look
very nice in place.

Scale: 1:72/ Revell/Materials: IM/Kit No: RV3899/All Good Model Shops/Price: £16.99


It’s hard not to like this kit. Precious few releases these days are so simple in
approach, so it’s fun to see one that could be built into a pleasing replica over
a weekend. Overall levels of detail are as you would expect from a kit created
twenty-fi ve years ago and though the cockpit is far from accurate — to put it
mildly — it shouldn’t be too much of a negative for those keen to build what
is still a pleasing little model. With the Academy and Italeri kits for company
at almost exactly the same price, this kit fi ts in well and now it really is a case
of you pay your money and take your choice. So, which one will you pick?
(Spencer Pollard)

fairs rather better. The shape of the aircraft is well-cap-
tured and where needed, panel lines are fi nely scribed

appointed bomb-bay is included along with two LGBs,
their actuators and the inner surfaces of the open bay
doors being fi ne and more than acceptable. The under-

NR KITS 155.indd 65 04/05/2018 16:45

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