Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Issue 155 - 75

A sheet and a half in this bag, one for the main markings and a half sheet for black and white under-
wing serial numbers.
● Phantom FG.1 XT597 with A&AEE, Boscombe Down in 1990. This is the Phantom that was portrayed
in Hasegawa’s fi rst Hi-Grade release covered in 25th Anniversary markings for the Greenham Common
Phantom line-up in July 1979. The decals are designed to show the aircraft in its normal raspberry
ripple red, white and blue scheme. Remember that this Phantom carried a non-standard nose cone.
● Phantom FG.1 XV590 ‘001/R’ with No. 892 Naval Air Squadron on HMS Ark Royal in 1978. The Ark
Royal was on exercise with USS Saratoga and while on a visit to the Saratoga, Royal Navy Phantom’s
markings were altered to ‘COLONIAL NAVY’ with American stars over-painted on the intake roundels.
The standard colours of Extra Dark Sea Grey upper surfaces over White undersides apply to this
● Phantom FG.1 XV574 ‘Z’ with No. 111 Squadron at RAF Fairford IAT in July 1986. The Phantom was
painted in the RAF’s three-colour grey with a black spine and tail fi n. About half the tail fi n was painted
yellow with Treble One’s badge applied.
● Phantom FG.1 XV571 ‘A’ with No. 43 Squadron as seen at the International Air Tattoo, RAF Greenham
Common in July 1974. The scheme is the original RAF Phantom colours of a pattern of Dark Sea Grey
and Dark Green on the upper surfaces with Light Aircraft Grey undersides.


Four sets of short-nosed Blenheim markings no doubt with the Airfi x kit that is due on sale towards
the end of this year. A set of roundels is supplied for each type of scheme. For those looking for 1:72
Blenheim decals, a sheet with the markings for eleven aircraft follows this one and includes the fi rst
three on the following list.
● Blenheim Mk.I K7078 ‘139’ with No. 139 Squadron at RAF Wyton in late 1937. The camoufl age
scheme was a pattern of Dark Green and Dark Earth on the upper surfaces with Night Black
● Blenheim Mk.I K7133 44-L with No. 44 Squadron at RAF Waddington in 1938. The colours are as
● Blenheim Mk.If L1426 RX-M with No. 25 Squadron at RAF Northolt in August 1939. Again, the upper
surfaces are a pattern of Dark Green and Dark Earth but this time with the right underside was painted
White and the left half painted Night Black.
● Blenheim Mk.I L812 OB-W with No. 45 Squadron based at Helwan in Egypt as seen on 29th July

  1. This Blenheim was in the Mediterranean scheme of a pattern of Middle Stone and Dark Earth on
    the upper surfaces and Azure Blue undersides.

(SHEET NO. X48187)

The Tamiya kit of the Beaufi ghter TF.Mk.X is still around but you may have to look hard to fi nd one.
Revell is listing a new Beaufi ghter kit amongst their new product for this year. Xtradecal may have
been looking at interest generated by the new kit and therefore released this new sheet. Four sets of
markings with a good variety of schemes are on offer. Roundels and fi n fl ashes are supplied in every
style needed. However, if you are looking to build more than one of the four schemes, you may be
looking through your decal spares for more roundels in order to do so.
● Beaufi ghter TF.Mk.X RD427 EO-O with No. 404 (RCAF) Squadron (Coastal Command) based at RAF
Dallachy, Scotland in 1945. This aircraft was fi nished in Extra Dark Sea Grey on the upper surfaces
with Sky undersides.
● Beaufi ghter TF.Mk.X RD816 OB-D with No. 45 Squadron at RAF Tengah, Singapore in 1949. A
camoufl age pattern of Dark Sea Grey and Dark Green was applied to the upper surfaces with PRU Blue
● Beaufi ghter TF.Mk.X LZ293 MB-T with No. 236 Squadron (Coastal Command) at RAF North Coates in

  1. The standard Coastal Command colours of Extra Dark Sea Grey on the upper surfaces with Sky
    undersides applied.
    ● Beaufi ghter TF.Mk.X RD515 ‘Q’ with No. 22 Squadron with the RAF in Burma in 1944. A pattern of
    Dark Earth and Dark Green was applied to the upper surfaces with Medium Sea Grey undersides.
    Thanks to Hannants for supplying their new Xtradecal releases. Keep an eye on their web site (www. for new releases and reprints of popular sheets. (Alan Firbank)

(SHEET NO. X48188)

DECALS 155.indd 3 04/05/2018 16:48

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