AeroModeller – June 2018

(C. Jardin) #1

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26 AeroModeller - June 2018

they were about to start a small
civil airline operating from the
aerodrome using their newly built
airship - Skyship 600. They wanted
to know if this would be alright!
They wanted to know how best we
could co-exist! They were asking
me? Now to be fair, I had a bit of
previous with these guys. I had
been fl ying indoors a year or so
before at Cardington and had
been able to examine fi rst hand
the prototype machines that were
being built there. So I knew a bit
about them. Furthermore, just
as they got going as a proper
commercial venture, there was a
stupid outcry in the local press as
to how they could spy on us from

their slow-moving airships. I had
a letter published in their defence
telling those complaining not to
be so silly, and explaining all the
benefi ts of airship travel. They liked
that a lot.
It seemed that Airship Industries
attitude to aviation was like mine, it
was to be celebrated not feared
Radlett Aerodrome became

If you were at Radlett in October 1945 you would have seen the innovative
Handley Page Manx being rolled out. From the authorative book “Handley Page
Aircraft since 1907” by C H Barnes, Putnam, ISBN 085177 803 8.

RADLETT.indd 26 26/04/2018 16:20

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