Aviation Specials – May 2018

(Frankie) #1
correct speed although care needs to be
taken not to over-control. We increase
the target approach and landing speeds
in gusty conditions, which helps. The
turbulence can make the final approach
challenging, but a good touchdown
extremely rewarding.
If we are inbound to Runway 05, we
leave FUN at 1,750ft. As we get to a point
3.6nm (6.6km) out over the sea abeam
the northeastern threshold, we must
decide whether to continue or break off
the approach. Our absolute minima is
900ft, but 1,140ft is recommended as this
enables us to see the curved approach
path and the runway more clearly.
If we are visual at that point, we continue
to 6nm (11.1km) from FUN almost parallel
to the southern shoreline, giving the
passengers sitting on the right side a
beautiful view. We then turn right and
head towards position known as GELO on
the coastline, which we aim to cross at
850ft. From there the approach features
a further right turn onto short final, with

flashing lead-in strobes guiding us toward
the threshold and keeping us away from
terrain on the left side.
Although it might appear a little dramatic
to people on the ground, and even to some
of our passengers, the turn onto final isn’t
any different from those we perform during
a circle to land as part of a non-precision
approach at other airports. It’s a normal
procedure, but we are heading towards
high terrain for part of it and at any point
our flight path can be affected by wind and
The first issue to consider is the
anemometer at Rosario. We have to cross
Rosario at 460ft, which is where we get
our first full view of the runway. The PAPI
lighting system helps us ensure we are
on the correct vertical path. Valleys run
down to the sea in the area, past the
small city of Santa Cruz near the runway
threshold and, again, we can encounter
updrafts on short final.
The official aeronatical information
includes the following advice: “Do not

Moderate or

strong southeast

wind can give rise

to a vortex

bubble at the

runway threshold

causing sudden


roll / speed loss /

altitude loss.


Extreme Airports // 31

ABOVE: Jet2.com
Boeing 737-8MG
G-JZHL gets
airborne for a
flight to the United
Leisure airline
Jet2.com has
an extensive
programme of
flights to Madeira
from nine UK
BELOW: The view
from the flightdeck
during a night-
time approach
to Runway 05.
com / Rui Alves)

28-33_Funchal.indd 31 11/05/2018 12:59

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