Aviation Specials – May 2018

(Frankie) #1


46 // Extreme Airports

At this point it’s worth explaining Kai
Tak’s instrument guidance system,
commonly referred to as the IGS. Many
airports have instrument landing systems
(ILS) which provide approach guidance
to pilots. The ILS delivers data to primary
fl ight display screens on the instrument
panel, which enables the crew to ensure
the aircraft is at the correct height and
on track. An aircraft can be fl own almost
to touchdown using the ILS, without the
pilots having to look through the windows.
However, Kai Tak didn’t have an ILS
on Runway 13 because the approach

demanded a low-level 47o right-hand
turn shortly before touchdown – fl ying
a straight-in wasn’t possible due to the
mountainous terrain and tall buildings
northwest of the airfi eld. But aircraft had
to land in poor visibility, so the experts
came up with the unique IGS. To all
intents and purposes it was the same
as an ILS, except that it guided us pilots
to the point where we had to start that
right turn, 2.2 miles from the end of the
runway and 675ft above it. At that point
we passed over the middle marker (MM)
navigation beacon and had to be visual

with the runway. If we couldn’t see it we
had to abandon the approach and give
it another try, or divert to an alternate
airport. The minima were much higher
than most other airports we fl ew to –
understandably so though, as the tower
blocks were just below us and there was
ground up to 2,500ft ahead, 3,500ft to the
north, and 3,000ft to the south. Having
four engines gave us the most latitude.
The minima for twins diff ered depending
on their missed approach climb gradient,
which addressed performance limitations
if an engine was lost after commencing

plates for Kai Tak
provide a good
illustration of the
complexity of the

BELOW: It was
possible to
catch a glimpse
of jets between
the buildings
on Kowloon
City Road.
com / Daryl

42-49_Kai Tak.indd 46 11/05/2018 12:29

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