Aviation Specials – May 2018

(Frankie) #1
Captains Hoch and Hitsch became the
fi rst teachers. During each detail, each of
the trainees fl ew three circuits, take-off s
and landings at the altiport that sits 2,006m
(6,582ft) above sea level. Before the last
landing, a go-around was performed. The
unique aspect of this manoeuvre was that
it had to be started around 2,625ft (800m)
before the runway threshold, otherwise
there wouldn’t be enough room to turn
away from the mountain slope. There was
a gorge at right-angles across the bo om
of the runway and while overfl ying its
deepest point the decision had to be made.
Once we had fl own past that, the only
choice was to land.
The flights to Courchevel only
operated during the winter months
and the training programme had to
be repeated at the beginning of each
December, after a summer break. Only
once it was completed could the pilots
fly passengers again. The difference
with the refreshers were that they didn’t
have to be done with a training captain
in one of the front two seats, although
the trainer sat on a cockpit jump seat.
It was all done in a single session. All the
Courchevel pilots were assigned places on
the aircraft, and the remaining seats were
sold to the public. We fl ew to Chambéry,
where the passengers disembarked and
were taken to the slopes by coach to

spend a day skiing. The pilots continued to
Courchevel in the Dash 7, completed their
training and parked the aircraft. In the
late afternoon, the passengers skied down
to the aircraft, checked in, and we fl ew
them back to Innsbruck.

Approach and landing
We fl ew Paris-Courchevel-Paris for French
regional airline TAT, and at the same
time operated Innsbruck-Courchevel-
Innsbruck with our own fl ight numbers.
Whether we were coming from Innsbruck
or Paris, the inbound route took us to the
PASSEIRY VOR navigation beacon near
Geneva. From there, we followed the 160o
radial straight to Courchevel. Shortly
before we left the Geneva control zone
our instrument fl ight plan was cancelled,
and we continued under visual fl ight rules

  • as long as the weather was good. We
    then overfl ew the town of Albertville,

Around 40 circuits

of the altiport were

fl own during the

approval procedure


Extreme Airports // 57

The view of the
approach from the
cockpit is quite
dramatic. (Captain
Gerhard Beer)
LEFT: The airfi eld
can be used by
light aircra fl own
by pilots with a
mountain rating.
(Captain Gerhard

56-62_Courchevel.indd 57 11/05/2018 12:14

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