Air Power 2017

(nextflipdebug5) #1



Vice Admiral Mat Winter,

F-35 Program Executive

Officer, highlights the

contributions that the

UK and the RAF continue

to make to the design,

build and deployment of

the aircraft. Also, his UK

National Deputy, Group

Captain Willy Hackett,

provides some background

to UK’s involvement in

the F-35 story to date

“The United Kingdom has played an
integral role in the F-35 program since its
earliest days. Even before a final aircraft
concept was chosen, British engineers
and test pilots were fully integrated into
the program and making their mark
on what has become a revolutionary
capability. For more than 16 years, the
UK has provided unwavering support
for the F-35 Program, assigning their
best and brightest personnel to the
Joint Program Office. Today, we have a
UK General Officer leading our efforts to
deliver the F-35 Global Support Solution
along with top-rated UK pilots, engineers
and maintainers conducting integrated
test activities, fielding the aircraft’s

before and each partner has something
to bring to the party in the development
of tactics, training and procedures.
Throughout the partnership we
share a common aircraft, training regime,
global support solution, knowledge, and
documentation to maintain and operate
the aircraft in a standard way. We train as we
intend to fight – an F-35 coalition that has
been closely integrated and interoperable
from the very start. As coalition F-35 pilots
and engineers assemble at a deployed
operating base in the future, it is unlikely
to be the first time they have met; and if
it is, they will have all been trained to the
same standard way of doing business.

Autonomic Logistics Information
System, and working at reprogramming
laboratories to develop mission
support software – our UK partnership
is resolute and their commitment to
execution excellence is unmatched
allowing the F-35 Enterprise to deliver
this phenomenal fifth-generation strike
fighter capability to our warfighters.”

The UK is deeply embedded within the
F-35 programme, both in an industrial
and military sense. The UK is the only
Level 1 partner in the programme for the
development of F-35, alongside the US. The
UK gained this enviable position by using
its knowledge from building highly capable
fourth-generation aircraft, experience
gleaned from research and development
aircraft, and the talent inherent in the UK’s
aviation industry and Ministry of Defence.
From the outset, the UK has understood
and influenced the design of the aircraft and
its systems to meet UK Defence needs, with
a particular eye on how to integrate the
capability with other RAF, Joint and Allied
capabilities. Interoperability testing has been
under way in test facilities in the UK for some
years; this will ensure effective integration
of the F-35 with Typhoon, Airseeker, AWACS
and Naval assets such as Crowsnest, the
Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers and
Type 45 destroyers. The RAF provides full-
spectrum air and space power in support
of the UK’s national interests and its treaty
obligations, especially to NATO. The F-35
will be an integral part of this capability,
operating as a system within systems.
The UK has operated its own aircraft
in the USA since July 2012, training
and operating alongside USAF and US
Marine Corps (USMC) units, mainly at
Edwards Air Force Base, California, and
at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS)
Beaufort in South Carolina. Testing and
training so closely with the broader F-35
community allows each partner nation
to speak the same language. The RAF
has never been so closely integrated


“For more than

16 years, the UK

has provided



Within the last 20 years, the experience
the RAF has gained in working with UK
industry in enhancing the efficiency of the
sustainment regimes of front-line aircraft
like the Typhoon has produced a paradigm
shift for both industry and the RAF. This
learning is being shared with the wider JSF
Programme Office and more particularly
the Hybrid Product Support Integrator
(HPSI), to help drive down through life
support costs for the entire F-35 fleet.
The RAF has been in constant high
operational demand in recent years,
giving the F-35 team a great insight into
contemporary operations. This highly
talented workforce has been stationed
at many Joint Strike Fighter units within
the USA. This allows the RAF to share
its experiences and help operationalise
the F-35, to ensure they are ready to
declare UK Initial Operating Capability
(IOC) with the famous 617 Dambusters
Squadron toward the end of 2018.
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