Aeroplane Aviation Archive — Issue 33 The World’s Fastest Aircraft

(Jacob Rumans) #1


The need for speed
The Me 262 does not hold any o cial FIA records, but during the war it is reported that Heinz
Herlitzius achieved a speed of 624mph in level  ight in a standard Me 262 S2. One Me 262
pilot, Hans Guido Mutke, claimed to be the  rst person to break the sound barrier. Mutke states
that on 19 April 1945 he exceeded Mach 1 by  ying a Me 262 in a dive. However, during speed
tests, Messerschmitt determined that the Me 262 went out of control in a dive at  Mach 0.86,
and that higher Mach numbers would cause a nose-down trim that the pilot could not counter.
Continued interest in high-speed  ight resulted in a single Me 262 V9 Hochgeschwindigkeit I
(HG I) that was actually  ight tested in 1944 and had small changes compared to combat
aircraft, most notably a low-pro le canopy. It may have achieved an uno cial record speed
for a turbojet-powered aircraft of 606mph, but this wartime record was quickly eclipsed by
another Messerschmitt design, the Me 163B V18 rocket  ghter.

Above: Me 262A-1a W.Nr.501232 ‘Yellow 5’, 3./KG(J) 6. This aircraft is now on show at the National
Museum of the US Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.

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