Airsoft International – July 2018

(Frankie) #1


to switch between targets quicker too. The
final revelation was that I snagged it a lot less
on both undergrowth but also my own kit as
there was less sticking out to catch branches
or pouches. One thing that really stood out
was that I was just maybe a little bit better of a
player without them all attached for all of the
reasons mentioned above as I am when they
are so surely that is all that matters no? Does
this mean I’m going to sell all of the accessories
I have accumulated over the years of playing?
Not a chance! They all look Gucci on the guns
and in photos on facebook and Instagram and
I’m as guilty of anyone as arranging things to
take a really cool photo to share on one of the
numerous “show us your guns” posts.
The sheer volume of available accessories and
the number of replica items that seem to be
getting released almost weekly shows there is a
strong market for items that have been seen in
use in combat and even civilian shooting these
days and as airsofters we want to replicate this
so I don’t see the demand subsiding at all. If
anything; as the quality of some of the clones
improves - and if you haven’t been in Airsoft
for a long time then trust me when I say that
what we can buy today is head and shoulders
above accessories that were available fifteen
or even ten years ago. Not just in quality but
in range too! It used to take ages for an item

to make it from lusted after in the real world
item to an Airsoft equivalent being available
to buy at an affordable price point but these
days it is dizzying the speed clone companies
can churn out items. Case in point: the clone
NVG’s of the ones used in the Bin Laden raid. No
sooner had SEAL team six been spotted wearing
them and in the film “Zero Dark Thirty” then
a few short months later you could buy clones
and at a reasonable price too. Some even had
illumination modules so they glowed green too.
I came to the conclusion on the drive home
from the game and as the adrenaline was
replaced by aching muscles that yeah; less
definitely is best and from now on I will TRY
to only put on my guns/kit those items I really
need for the games I’m due to be playing. I say
try because the first thing I did when I got in
was look up clone PEQ-14’s to stick on a couple
of my pistols...There really is no hope!
Whether you decide to follow my lead and
rationalise what you use or if you want to
go completely the opposite direction just
remember it’s all about having fun and as long
as you are enjoying yourself and as long as you
are playing fairly then I guess it’s all good. If
you are downsizing your accessories collection
then, erm, give me first dibs yeah?

Until next month; stay safe!



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