Aviation Specials – June 2018

(ff) #1

Celebrating a British icon 113

a modern housing development
built in distinctive North American
‘colonial revival’ style.
The next leg of our journey
takes us close to, but not actually
into, Old Malden. Instead, we
cut past it to cross the A3 dual
carriageway, skirting New
Malden and making our way
to the next big urban centre,
Kingston. This is a significant
retail venue for the whole area,
and also a major confluence of
traffic. Back in the 1970s the bus
garage here was one of the last
haunts of London Transport’s

London by Bus

LEFT: The Grade
II listed Trinity
Church in Sutton,
completed in 1907.

MIDDLE: Central
Road descends
through Worcester
Park towards its
railway station.

WHV63, a Wright
Gemini 3-bodied
Volvo B5LH
hybrid, entering
North Cheam from
Worcester Park.
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