Aviation Specials – June 2018

(ff) #1

Celebrating a British icon 129

LEFT: RML2664,
promoting Forest
Lakes Country
Club with images
of happy people
relaxing in wooden
Adirondack chairs,
loading outside the
Maritime Museum
of the Atlantic in
Halifax. Boarding
is generally by
the additional
powered doors
fitted in front of
the British offside
rear wheel. Before
entering service
at Croydon garage
in 1967, it took
part in a British
Week promotion
in Brussels and
ended its London
career with First
CentreWest at
Westbourne Park.
It was repowered
with a Cummins
engine in 1990.

promoting the
Grant Thornton
practice on the
streets of Halifax.
It was new in 1965
as a Country Area
bus at Godstone
and ended up with
Go-Ahead London
Central. It saw
subsequent service
in Nottingham
before being
exported. It gained
a Cummins engine
in 1990.

Lives after London

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