Aviation Specials - July 2018

(ff) #1
both students and ‘blue air’ enablers
combining with an infantry battalion to
create a MAGTF for the duration of the
course, with an emphasis on large-force,
integrated operations.
WTI exposes students to tactical
scenarios that they will typically not have
opportunities to participate in at their
home stations during unit-level training.
And now that combat operations have
wound down in Iraq and for the most
part in Afghanistan as well, fewer WTI
students — including those in the ‘53’
course — have combat experience.
As Baxter explained, ‘We expose them
to things they don’t get to do back in their
fleet squadrons. Right now, with guys not
really deploying on combat operations,
this is huge. It’s a very important time for
us, getting these guys as much exposure
as we can to those potential operations,
because something could happen
tomorrow, and we’ve got to make sure
we’re ready. We have a lot of instructors
that have combat experience, but we’re
getting a lot of students who have virtually
none. So, making sure we don’t lose those
lessons learned, because we need those
capabilities: that’s what we’re focused on.’

‘Hourglass’ format
During the seven weeks of WTI, CH-53
students are exposed to three-and-a-
half weeks of classroom and ground
instruction and the same amount of
time flying, during which they put the
skills and concepts learned during the
academic phase to the test. The course is
structured in an ‘hourglass’ format, with
the academic phases progressing from

generic courses involving all platforms
on general concepts in marine aviation,
to a common stage, in which students
learn how to integrate their platform
with others within their community
(for example, jets with jets, rotors with
rotors). This progresses on to a ‘specifics’
stage, during which students learn
tactics, techniques, and procedures
specific to their assigned platform.

The CH-53E’s impressive range can be extended further
by air-delivered ground refueling from KC-130s serving as
ground-based gas stations. Here a pair of Super Stallions
hot-refuel from Marine ‘Battleherk’ during a WTI event.

Top: Along
with training
Super Stallion
pilots to be
instructs crew


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