Aviation Specials - July 2018

(ff) #1



along with British and
French allies, struck
targets inside Syria on
April 7, 2018, one of
the strike packages
was escorted by a US Marine Corps
EA-6B Prowler. Despite only a single
squadron of jets remaining, its six jets
are deployed to the Middle East and
are set to play a major role in the region
right up until the squadron  nally bows
out in early 2019.
Under the umbrella of Marine Aircraft
Group (MAG) 14 at MCAS Cherry Point,
North Carolina, training squadron
VMAQT-1 ‘Banshees’ disbanded in 2016,
followed by VMAQ-4 ‘Seahawks’ in June
2017, and VMAQ-3 ‘Moon Dogs’ ended
their Prowler ops in May 2018, leaving
VMAQ-2 ‘Death Jesters’ as the very last unit
before the  nal curtain is drawn in 2019.
Recent milestones included the
deployment of the ‘Moon Dogs’ to Turkey
from March 2017 in support of Operation
‘Inherent Resolve’ (OIR), plus VMAQ-2’s
participation in October 2017’s Weapons
and Tactics Instructor (WTI) course at
MCAS Yuma, Arizona, before it too headed
east for one last deployment. It was
VMAQ-2 that saw action on the night

of April 7, providing electronic warfare
support for USAF B-1B Lancers.
The Yearbook spoke with Lt Col Andrew
‘Grundy’ Rundle, commanding o cer of
‘Q-2’ at WTI: ‘This is likely the last time we
will see Prowler support of WTI.’ Despite
not putting any new pilots or electronic
countermeasures o cers (ECMOs,
pronounced ‘Eck-Moes’) through the
demanding WTI course this time around,
the deployment en masse to the desert
of southern Arizona was a major training
event for the squadron. ‘Coming out to
WTI is an opportunity to get away from
Cherry Point and really focus on our
mission,’ explained Rundle. ‘The ranges,
the airspace around Yuma, the support
we get from MAWTS-1 [Marine Aviation
Weapons and Tactics Squadron One] here
and all the other Marine Corps assets that
come into town to participate — it’s a
tremendous venue. We have the assets
and the dedicated range space — we
own it and therefore we can focus on
our missions. Coming here is extremely
important for the relationships we have
and for our processes that make us as
e ective as we can be. So, when we have
an opportunity like this, we take it. We
can get a lot achieved in support of
the WTI class, helping to

With a single squadron of EA-6B Prowlers remaining
and impending retirement in 2019, the US Marine Corps
is squeezing every last bit of use from these stalwart
electronic warfare jets.

REPORT Jamie Hunter

At 1,000ft
above the
Arizona desert
scrub, a VMAQ-
2 EA-6B —
callsign ‘Shock
71’ — eases in
for fuel from
a KC-130J in
October 2017.
Jamie Hunter


44-49 Prowler Farewell C.indd 44 31/05/2018 22:00

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