Aviation Specials - July 2018

(ff) #1
Below: With
cranked open in
obligatory style,
a section of
‘Saints’ taxis out
at Fallon.
Left: LT
the camera as he
taxies out.
Right top to
bottom: F-5 pilot
‘iPod’ walks to
his jet, carrying
his personal
The sign that
awaits visitors
to VFC-13.
The rack of
helmets and
g-suits at

Fallon Division Level. That includes the
entire Carrier Air Wing and it’s when they
bring all the assets together.’
NAWDC’s Strike department leads Air
Wing Fallon with support from VFC-13
on the adversary side. However, the
‘Saints’ lead the ‘Red Air’ side of SFARP.
‘The east and west Coast Weapons
Schools run a specific SFARP syllabus,’
explains LT Brad ‘Stuffer’ Holeski. ‘Their
job is to train and evaluate the

squadrons, as well as co-ordinate with
us for the ‘Red Air’. VFC-13 specifically
runs the bandit side of things, so they
come to us to discuss new tactics and
evaluation elements that need to be
tested. VFC-13 acts as the overall ‘Red
Air’ flight lead and debriefing agency
— we handle all the threat
presentations. It means we co-ordinate
the specific mission and then develop
those presentations, the tactics and the

training, essentially working around the
desired learning objectives. The
Weapons School guys lean on us so they
can focus on the evaluation side. SFARP
actually starts relatively benign, but as
the two-to-three weeks progress things
become far more advanced in terms of
the opposition that they will face.’
That opposition is likely to be up to a
dozen bandits on the final SFARP
mission and possibly up to 20 on the Air
Wing Fallon side. For the larger events,
the squadron calls upon its sister units
from the Navy Reserve adversary
community — specifically VFC-12
‘Fighting Omars’ from NAS Oceana and
VFA-204 ‘River Rattlers’ from NAS JRB
New Orleans.

A ‘Saint’ life
‘On a day-to-day basis we have around
10 to 12 active-duty and Full Time
Support [FTS] pilots here, plus part-time
reservists,’ explains LT Gottschalk. Many
of the reserve pilots split their time
between airline flying and time at Fallon
on the F-5 and they tend to be very
experienced, many being TOPGUN
graduates. The part-time pilots have to


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