Scramble Magazine – June 2018

(Nandana) #1






Scramble 469

The Alouette is in a hangar near the museum, while the Noral-

pha was in one of the hangars at the west side together with

MH1521M 13/F-GJBF (stored) and L-4J 44-80732/F-BFQD.

Correcting EMOOS 2018. The bare metal C-47 under restora-

tion is C-47A F-BLOZ/42-93251, not C-47B FAZOX/12925. The

AZOX is still flying and both were noted at the air show in

May. Dropped out in the final EMOOS print is AT-6C F-AZBE

(ex H-29/Belgium, ex 41-33606, painted as 43-12127/TA-127). It

is still active here.

Moret Episy (77)

(EM739) Tiger Moth N16645 85970 may18
(43-1411) L-4B F-BHHQ, yellow c/s 10272 may18
(43-29244) L-4A F-BGXS, yellow c/s 10535 may18

All three live in the new spotters-proof hangar. MS733

95/F-BLXP has gone from the airfield.

Pontoise (56)

(20384) Harvard 4 F-AZGB, ex Canada may18
(AA+635) Harvard 4 F-AZAT, as 53-4631/98 may18
(202) N1002 F-AZFY, German c/s 202 may18
(282) N1002 F-AZBX, Fantasy c/s 282 may18
37 yellow LET C11 F-AZOK, ex Egypt, ex Melun may18

The Association pour le Renaissance du Caudron Simoun and

its aircraft are in the hangar close to the kart track on the

north side. Their main project is the civil Caudron Simoun

F-AZRY. The Yak-18U 69/F-AZYK which was also based in this

hangar was destroyed in a fatal crash on 8 April 2018.

Piper L-4H F-BFML/44-79933, which was off site under res-

toration after its accident in July 2015, has returned and is

flying again. It is with Aéroclub Hispano Suiza on the other

side of the airfield.


Bremgarten (BW)

(0562) T-28A ZU-FAA, restoration 174-185 jan18

The Trojan arrived in January and will be for sale after resto-

ration. The aircraft is ex 51-3647, ex 29 (France) and ex 0562/

Argentina before becoming ZU-FAA in 2008.

Cottbus (BB)

(25+12) F-104G preserved, ex Neuhardenberg may18
(71+01) UH-1D stored 8161 may18
(72+77) UH-1D preserved, ex Seedorf 8397 may18
BB+237 CL-13A Sabre 5 stored, ex Neuhardenb. 1111 may18

The Flugplatz Museum received the Starfighter in September

2017 and the two UH-1Ds in December.

Lehnin (BB)

554 MiG-23ML (20+29), preserved, ex Gatow may18

The MiG-23 is parked near the mock-up village and airfield.

Nauen Bienenfarm (BB)

90+27 FWP149D OO-VMK, stored 040 apr18

The Piaggio used to be stored at Kiewit, Belgium.

Rothenburg (SN)

75+81 Alouette 2 preserved 1493 apr17

The Alouette is not often reported as it is well inside the bar-

racks of the Lent Kaserne (N53.13419, E9.35667).



574 Mi-24D preserved 220574 apr18

On 17 April the Mi-24 was pole mounted on a roundabout on

the south west of town (N47.16402, E20.20265). The aircraft

used to be stored at the airfield.


Altamura (BA)

MM54198/16 MB326 preserved 6203 aug17

The MB326 is preserved at the aviosuperficie Ceraso Il Nido

delle Aquile at N40.93902, E16.49572. It shows at Google Earth

already in place in March 2011.


The rotorless CH-47 noted here since 2003 is not a mock-up

but a real aircraft. It should be MM80836/EI-814 and came

from storage at Agusta at Frosinone. As the aircraft is still

visible on Google Earth at Capua in August 2017, the sightings

of the aircraft at Viterbo in 2017 must have been in error.

The Flugplatz Museum Cottbus received two UH-1Ds late last year. One of them is this unmarked 71+01 in the storage area. Behind it is another

recent arrival, Sabre 6 BB+237. (12 May 2018, Václav Kudela)
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