Aeroplane – June 2018

(Romina) #1


View from the cockpit

A low-level
demonstration of
Rotodyne agility. Once
experience had been
gained, Ron Gellatly
had much praise for
the machine’s flying
qualities. LEONARDO


he Rotodyne could
operate in two basic
modes. Relying on its
rotor for control and,
with engine power providing
thrust for forward flight, it was a
pure helicopter, but with no
direct drive to the rotor and
forward thrust provided by the
propellers, it was an autogyro.
The take-off sequence was
initiated by starting the engines
and engaging their auxiliary
compressors to enable air to
flow to the tip-jets. The rotor
was then allowed to accelerate
to the normal light-up speed of
100rpm. With fuel cocks and
ignition selected on, light-up

generally took five to 10
seconds to achieve. With the
tip-jets burning the rotor could
then be accelerated to flight
speed of 140rpm.
Taking off in helicopter mode
meant that, with the rotor
powered by the tip-jets, the

pilot was controlling the aircraft
in pitch, roll and hover using
the cyclic pitch control. Lift
control was maintained through
the collective pitch lever, and
yaw control through differential
propeller pitch.

Once airborne the Rotodyne
could achieve forward flight like
a helicopter, with the tip-jets
powering the rotor which was
controlled through the
collective and cyclic control
levers. Yaw control was exerted
through application of

differential propeller pitch but,
as the aircraft’s speed
increased, the machine
increasingly came under the
aerodynamic influence of the

For maximum safety in
service, and to minimise noise
disturbance, Rotodyne flight
paths would have required a
vertical climb to 2,500ft (790m)
before the aircraft accelerated
in forward flight through a
point 6,000ft (1,850m)
overhead the heliport. For
landing the standard approach
angle would have been 5°.


It achieved forward flight like a helicopter, with
the tip-jets powering the rotor which was
controlled through the collective and cyclic

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