FlyPast – August 2018

(John Hannent) #1


August 2018FLYPAST 127

to fly mostly by reference to
instruments) and I have no desire
to find out!
On the far left of the panel are
the only engine instruments (a
tachometer and oil pressure
gauge), while on the right is a
contemporary single-pointer
altimeter that is partly obscured
by a P8 compass. The altimeter is
turned 90 degrees clockwise for
some reason, while the P8 looks as

if it has been stolen from the
wheelhouse of a small yacht.
Below this is the fuel
cock, which is marked
(clockwise, from 12
o’clock) both tanks
on, starboard, both
tanks off
and port.

It is
to remember
that it is the small
end of the selector that points at
the required tank, and that the
both tanks position is wired off (I
imagine to stop the pump sucking
air from an empty
tank). Consequently
you have to go

through off to change tanks, so it’s
probably best not to do this over
water or mountains in case the
selector comes off in your hands.

Peter wandered over to start the
engine, and to give me a quick
re-brief on the important speeds
and a reminder on a couple of
salient points. Basically, no

A view of the Magister’s under side as it
banks away from the camera ship.
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