FlyPast – August 2018

(John Hannent) #1


* Overseas deliveries are likely to be after
this date.

In the next issue of FlyPast we shine our Spotlight on the fearsome Messerschmitt Bf 109. We scrutinise
the various incarnations of the famous Luftwaffe fi ghter, which proved a worthy adversary to most of
its contemporaries in World War Two. The September issue will be in UK shops on August 1 or see page
72 for our latest money-saving subscription offers.


130 FLYPAST August 2018

Nick Houghton’s Beechcraft
18-3TM Expeditor 1164 Good
Vibrations was among the
star attractions at a night
photography shoot at
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, on
May 5. The aircraft fl ew with
the RCAF from 1952 until
entering civil hands as C-FQPD
in 1971. It was extensively
restored at Duxford after being
brought to the UK, and fl ew
again as G-BKGL. The Beech
was owned for many years by
Tim Darrah and operated by
Radial Revelation, before being
acquired by Nick. JAMIE EWAN
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