FlyPast – August 2018

(John Hannent) #1
24 Centenary Anson 60 Legendary Spit re 100 Last of the breed



August 2018 No.

Front Cover
Stu Goldspink flying Old Flying Machine Company’s Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX MH434 recently. See feature beginning on page 60. DARREN HARBAR
This page, main image: A pair of warbirds from the Hawker Fury family firing up at Duxford’s Air Festival in May. See pages 20-21. DARREN HARBAR

24 Centenary Anson
An Avro XIX has been given a new
identity to mark the RAF’s centenary –
words and images from Darren Harbar.

30 RAF 100 – Vampires
Sqn Ldr ‘Archie’ Kinch recalls how
one pilot learned the hard way during
training to fly Vampire jets in the 1950s.

34 RAF 100 - Hurricanes
Three Hurricanes of 615 Squadron were
brought down in a matter of minutes on
February 26, 1941. Tony Moor describes
a dark day.

46 Eject! Eject!
Ken Ellis reflects on the extraordinary
career of ‘Benny’ Lynch, the brave
subject of Martin-Baker ejection
seat tests.

48 Clash over the sea
Britain staged a disastrous three-month
campaign in the Aegean Sea during

  1. Anthony Rogers describes the
    uneven struggle.

60 Legendary Spit re
Old Flying Machine Company’s famous
Spitfire Mk.IX is 75 years old this year.
Ken Ellis tells its remarkable story.

74 Two-seater Spit res
As more and more Spitfire two-seaters
emerge from workshops, Daniel Ford
details the original trainer versions.
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