FlyPast – August 2018

(John Hannent) #1
August 2018 FLYPAST 63

just inland from the French coast.
The bomb sighting equipment was
quite primitive.
“Occasionally, immediately after
the invasion, Ernie authorised me to
lead the squadron. He commented
at the time that it would be good
experience for me. This assignment,
as I only held the rank of flying
officer, I considered to be a pat on
the back.
“I had deliberately omitted to
enter a few sorties in my logbook,

August 2018FLYPAST 63

“’I have no wish to be a damn instructor or fly a desk
for six months’. He countered with: ‘You will do as
you are told’”

Top left
A close-up of the Spitfi re’s

Top right
An air-to-air view of
MH434, showing its
topside camoufl age

an instructor. I was cheeky enough
to blurt out: ‘I have no wish to be a
damn instructor or fly a desk for six
months’. He countered with: ‘You
will do as you are told’.
“I continued to be difficult about
the situation. He finally said: ‘OK,
you can use your aircraft for a

to find a
flying position
for the six months
you will be ‘off ops’.
I had not expected
any favours and was most
pleased with his authorisation
of the use of the aircraft.”

Above left
Display perfection at
the July 1988 Duxford
airshow. Mark and Ray
Hanna (foreground in
MH434) captivated the
crowd with their two-
ship ‘Piece of Cake’
routine. ALAN CURRY

as I realised
that I was
then right up
to the maximum
offensive hours
allowed for an
operational tour on
Spitfires. I was looking
forward to operating
from the continent, once
we were firmly established
in France.
“However, the winco
[wing commander] of the
three squadrons operating
from Friston on the south coast
[Sussex] was more wide awake than
I realised. We normally
handed in our logbooks at the end
of each month for our CO to check
and sign. These then went to the
winco for him to check and enter
his signature.
“In early July 1944 I was called
by the winco and he very bluntly
accused me of ‘cooking the books’
and stated – correctly – that I
had not listed some sorties in my
logbook. I was ‘off operations’ from
then on.
“He went on to tell me that I
would be posted to a training unit as
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