FlyPast – August 2018

(John Hannent) #1
August 2017 FLYPAST 75

by Nick Grace 40 years later – see
panel overleaf.
The author has been unable
to ascertain if the ’UTI
was equipped with
dual controls.
It may have

been that the instructor peered over
the pupil’s shoulder and bellowed
guidance as the trainee came to grips
with the British fighter first-hand.
Other than these, the concept of
a dedicated Spitfire trainer seemed
to be stillborn. This changed in the
immediate post-war period, when it
became clear to Vickers (the owner
of Supermarine since 1928) that the
Spitfire, and to a lesser extent the
Uchebno-Trenirovochny Istrebitel, Seafire, had export potential.
a fighter trainer. During 1945 a
two-seater was created by 1 Air
Depot at Leningrad.
This placed the instructor behind
the original cockpit with a smooth
looking, fully glazed
‘tunnel’ to link the
two positions.
This was not
unlike the

August 2017FLYPAST 75

by Nick Grace 40 years later – see by Nick Grace 40 years later – see by Nick Grace 40 years later – see by Nick Grace 40 years later – see
panel overleaf.panel overleaf.
The author has been unable The author has been unable
to ascertain if the ’UTI to ascertain if the ’UTI
was equipped with was equipped with
dual controls. dual controls.
It may have

Spitfire, and to a lesser extent the Spitfire, and to a lesser extent the
Uchebno-Trenirovochny Istrebitel, Seafire, had export potential. Seafire, had export potential. Seafire, had export potential.
a fighter trainer. During 1945 a
two-seater was created by 1 Air
Depot at Leningrad.
This placed the instructor behind This placed the instructor behind
the original cockpit with a smooth the original cockpit with a smooth
looking, fully glazed
‘tunnel’ to link the
two positions.
This was not
unlike the

The prototype two-seater
in overall yellow colours
with the ‘trade plate’
marking N32. VICKERS-
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