The Aviation Magazine - July-August 2018

(Nora) #1

Mil^ Mi‐8PAtransport^ (NATO^ Hip)^ above

and^4 a^ Mil^ Mi‐ A^ (NATO^ Hound)^ below

(complete^ with^ underside^

gunners^ gondola^ however^ these^ helicopters

werein^ not^ armed^ Hungary,^ thus^ the

guns^ were^ removed)^ ex‐
German^ helicopter,Eastpainted^ to^ resemble

as^ used^ during the^1956 uprising.^

‐SA^125 Neva^ (NATO^ S‐^3 Goa)^ above,^ with

several‐^ Almaz^ S  75  Dvina/Volhov^ (NATO

SASAMs‐2)^ and^ related^
trucks^ and^ radar^ system^ below.^
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