Topology in Molecular Biology

(ff) #1
12 The Spectral Geometry of Riemann Surfaces 223

Proof.Consider the function


z ,z=0

On|z|=r<1, we have





Hence|g(z)|≤ 1 /rfor all|z|≤r. Lettingr→1 complete the proof.

It was observed by Pick that the Schwarz lemma admits a geometric in-
terpretation: if ds^2 Hdenotes the hyperbolic metric onD,

ds^2 =

4(dx^2 +dy^2 )
(1−|z|^2 )^2


then any holomorphic mapD→Dis distance nonincreasing, with the distance
between two points preserved if and only iffis an isometry, that is to say a
M ̈obius transformation preservingD.
The proof follows from what we have already done by first observing that
the M ̈obius transformations preserving the disk are isometries of the metric
ds^2 H, and secondly by composingfwith such a M ̈obius transformation so that
it sends 0 to 0.
Ahlfors observed that the argument could be made even more geometric
by introducing the Gauss curvatureκof a metric. If the metric ds^2 is given
in conformal coordinates by ds

ds^2 =λ^2 (z)[dx^2 +dy^2 ],


κ(ds^2 )=


where, since we are currently in “analyst’s mode,”


The proof is an elementary calculation using Christoffel symbols.
We will give a number of different versions of the Ahlfors–Schwarz lemma.
The first is due to Scott Wolpert:

Lemma 2.LetS 1 andS 2 be two compact Riemann surfaces, with metricsds^21
andds^22 respectively, and

f:S 1 →S 2

a holomorphic map.
Suppose thatκ 2 (f(z))<κ 1 (z)< 0. Then f is distance decreasing.

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