Topology in Molecular Biology

(ff) #1
12 The Spectral Geometry of Riemann Surfaces 227

Fig. 12.11.A simple example

We remark that part of the statement of the theorem is that, in the pres-
ence of large cusps,SChas a hyperbolic metric. One can see from Gauss–
Bonnet that this will be the case ifL> 2 π. In effect, filling in a cusp takes
away 2πfrom the Gauss–Bonnet integrand. A horocycle of lengthLbinds
a region of areaL. So if all the horocycles have length≥L> 2 π, there is
enough area left over so thatSChas a negative Euler characteristic, and hence
a hyperbolic metric.
This argument is reasonably sharp. Let (G,O) be the graph given in
Fig. 12.11. Then, as we have seen in Sect. 12.5,S^0 (G,O) is the equilateral
torus with one puncture, and the standard horocycle onSO(G,O) has length
6, which is just a little bit less than 2π.ButSC(G,O) is a torus, and hence
doesn’t carry a hyperbolic metric.
Theorem 6.1 has a converse:

Theorem 7.For everyε, there existsR=R(ε)with the following property:
LetSCbe a compact hyperbolic surface, andz 1 ,...,zkpoints onSCsuch
that the injectivity radii about thezi’s are at leastR, and such that the balls
B(zi,R)are disjoint.
LetO=SC−{z 1 ,...,zk}, with its hyperbolic metric.
ThenSohas cusps of length≥sinh (1/(1 +ε)R), and outside of cusp
neighborhoods, we have


ds^20 ≥ds^2 C≥(1 +ε)ds^20.

The strategy of the proof of Theorem 6.1 is as follows: we will consider two
conformally equivalent metrics onSC. The first metric will be the hyperbolic
metricds^2 ConSC. The second metric will be of the form

d ̃s^2

(^2) (z)ds 2

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