Topology in Molecular Biology

(ff) #1
12 The Spectral Geometry of Riemann Surfaces 235

  • [2]. This paper shows how to construct Riemann surface with large first
    eigenvalue of arbitrary genus. It also contains growth estimates for eigen-
    values in cusps as well as other generally useful techniques involving com-
    pactification and the behavior of eigenvalues.

  • [7]. Contains a number of versions of the Ahlfors–Schwarz lemma, includ-
    ing the version needed in [2].

  • [3]. Features graph-theoretic techniques for building Belyi surfaces with
    various nice properties.

  • [8]. This contains the theorem relating Cheeger constants of graphs to the
    behavior of the first eigenvalue under coverings. (Too old to be available
    at my web site.)

  • [9]. A survey article discussing the construction of building surfaces from
    three-regular graphs.

In addition to these papers, I would like to mention the M.Sc. thesis of
my student Dan Mangoubi, “Riemann Surfaces and three-Regular Graphs,”
available from my web site. In addition to giving a good overview of the sub-
ject, it contains interesting quantitative results elaborating on the qualitative
theory of [6]. There are also two papers in preparation: my paper with An-
drzej Zuk on Cheeger constants of graphs and surfaces, and my paper with
Mikhail Monastyrsky, which generalizes the theory from three-regular graphs
tok-regular graphs.


  1. R.Brooks,E.Makover,ERA-AMS 5 76–81 (1999)

  2. R.Brooks,E.Makover,J.d’Anal. 83 243–258 (2001)

  3. R.Brooks,E.Makover,,Entire functions in modern analysis,
    IMCP 15 37–46 (2002)

  4. R. Brooks, E. Makover, Preprint, Department of Mathematics, Technion (1997)

  5. R. Brooks, Comm. Math. Helv. 56 581–596 (1981)

  6. R. Brooks, Comm. Math. Helv. 74 156–170 (1999)

  7. R. Brooks, Brooks and Sodin (eds.), Lectures in Memory of Lars Ahlfors, IMCP
    14 , 31–39

  8. R.Brooks,J.Diff.Geom. 23 97–107 (1986)

  9. R. Brooks, Picardello and Woess (eds.),Random walks and discrete potential
    theory, (Camb. Univ. Press, 1999), pp. 85–103

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