Topology in Molecular Biology

(ff) #1

238 Index

linking number, 9, 10, 24, 25, 43, 45, 52,
103, 179
Gauss linking number, 184
links, 23, 25–27, 35, 69, 71, 73, 103, 111,
112, 114

Massey product, 183
membran, 185
mirror images, 71, 97
Morse-Novikov theory, 198

packing, 215
close packing, 148
close-packing, 148, 150, 157
sphere packing, 149
palindrome equivalence, 93
Pell’s equation, 161
Polypeptide chain topology, 147, 148,
polytop{3,3,5}, 150, 151, 153, 155
protein folding, 128
Secondary structure, 129, 130, 135,
140, 147
Structural Classification, 129

quasicrystal, 149, 150

rational approximants, 150, 158
rational convergents, 150, 159

sequence similarity, 135
structure similarity, 155
snub cube, 152, 153
solvmanifold, 199
Structure prediction, 127, 128, 143
supercoiled DNA, 184

tangles, 71
2-tangles, 71
alternating tangles, 81
classification of rational tangles, 77
rational tangles, 69, 70, 72, 73, 113,
the tangle model, 69
two-tangles, 70
twist grain boundaries, 157, 161

Whitehead link, 182
winding number, 152
Witten’s deformation, 195
wormlike chain, 6–8, 26, 29, 30
wormlike chain,, 31
writhing number, 184
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