AvBuyer Magazine - July 2018

(coco) #1
here are some common pitfalls
regarding aircraft damage that unwary
buyers can walk right in to. There are
also protective measures that can be
taken to help avoid these. Firstly, a buyer needs to
take a pragmatic approach.

Past Damage Impact on Future Operations?
If the aircraft you’re considering buying has past
repair history, does that history have any potential
to increase the requirements for maintenance,
downtime and costs going forwards?
Let’s imagine an aircraft previously suffered the
effects of hail damage. If the aircraft had parts
removed and replaced by a factory-
owned/authorized service center, the chances are

that it would have no impact on the future
maintenance costs and will not require any
additional maintenance inspections specific to
those repairs.
On the other hand, maybe there were some
more significant repairs required, or repairs
undertaken outside of the factory-owned/
authorized center which required specialist
engineering, and/or installation of additional parts
like ‘doublers’ that provide increased structural
integrity to the airframe. Though often these
repairs are done correctly, and the integrity of the
aircraft is as good (if not better) than the original
design, this should still be confirmed prior to
Sometimes previous repairs require ongoing,



56 AVBUYERMAGAZINE– July 2018 http://www.AVBUYER.com Aircraft Index see Page 129

The concern over aircraft damage history is two-fold: There’s

the impact that damage history has on an aircraft operationally,

and the impact on resale value. Following, Jet Tolbert discusses

how aircraft buyers can protect themselves from these...

You Should Ask More About

Damage History...

Buying & Selling 1 JULY.qxp_Finance 19/06/2018 10:55 Page 1

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