Subjectivity and Otherness A Philosophical Reading of Lacan

(Tuis.) #1
To conclude, it must be noted that, in “Les complexes familiaux,” the uncon-
scious as a symbolic structure is not yet explicitly thematized in terms of language.
It is also clear, however, that such a thematization, which is the main topic of my
next chapter, is prepared by Lacan’s work on complexes: this work undoubtedly
presents us with his first formulation of the symbolic order understood as a rational
unconscious structure. In the mid-195 0s, Lacan’s overall psychoanalytic theory
undergoes a radical reformulation which can be summarized by the dictum “The
unconscious is structured like a language.” In this new context, only the Oedipus
complex will be preserved. However, imagoswill still be considered to have a
(de)formative function: despite all the changes in Lacan’s theory, this will remain
the only explicit biological reference of his teaching as a whole.^75

the subject of the imaginary (other)

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