
(Tuis.) #1
Epilepsy can be a debilitating disease, at its worst
causing almost continuous seizures that make a ful-
filling life impossible. For such serious cases, a drastic
operation was carried out many times in the 1960s,
before less invasive treatments were discovered.
To prevent seizures spreading from one side to the
other, the two halves of the brain were separated
in an operation known as a commissurotomy. In
some patients, only the corpus callosum, or part of
the corpus callosum, was cut; in others the smaller
anterior and hippocampal commissures were also
cut. Remarkably, these patients recovered well and
seemed to live a relatively normal life. Tests showed
that their personality was little changed and their IQ
and verbal and problem-solving abilities were hardly
affected (Sperry, 1968; Gazzaniga, 1992), but in the
early 1960s some clever experiments were designed
to test the two hemispheres independently. The
findings about the dramatic consequences
of this disconnection, and the work that
followed, earned a Nobel prize for pioneer-
ing psychobiologist Roger Sperry.
Information from the left visual field goes
to the right hemisphere and from the right
visual field to the left hemisphere (note,
this is not from the left and right eyes).
The left half of the body is controlled by
the right hemisphere (and vice versa), but
information from the right ear goes to the
right hemisphere (and vice versa). Know-
ing this, it is possible to feed information
to only one hemisphere, and obtain a
response from only one hemisphere. In
1961 neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga
first tested the split-brain patient W. J. using
such a procedure. At that time, research on
cats and monkeys had shown that the two
hemispheres appeared to function almost
entirely separately when disconnected,
but no one expected this to be true of
humans  – after all, the patients appeared
to act and speak and think like ordinary unified people. But the research showed
that, as in the animals, each half-brain appeared to behave independently.

In a typical experiment, the patient fixated on the centre of a screen which was
divided into two. Words or pictures were then flashed to either visual field, thus
sending information to only one hemisphere. The patient responded verbally, or









‘The greater
the pressure’


‘The faster
it dissolves
in water’

and pop-out in complex displays, so that synaesthetes
can detect concealed shapes, such as triangles or
squares, more easily than controls (Ramachandran and
Hubbard, 2001). this shows that synaesthetes are not
confabulating or relying on memory for associations.
Cytowic emphasises the connection with emotions and the
limbic system, while Ramachandran suggests that shape–
colour synaesthesia is caused by a mutation that creates
cross-activation between visual areas (especially V4 and
V8) and the number area, which lie close together in the
fusiform gyrus. other kinds of synaesthesia may depend
on crossover between other neighbouring areas of sen-
sory cortex. synaesthesia is more common in autism, sug-
gesting that both may result from neural over-connectivity
(Baron-Cohen et al., 2013).

FIGURE 6.6 • Luria (1968) read the following
sentence to S.: ‘If carbon dioxide is
present above a vessel, the greater
its pressure, the faster it dissolves
in water.’ S. was so distracted
by the mental images associated
with each word that he could not
understand this simple rule.

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