
(Tuis.) #1



Evolution and animal minds

Dawkins, R. (1986). Explaining the very improba-
ble. In R. Dawkins, The blind watchmaker (pp. 1–18).
London: Longman.

How natural selection allows us to do this.

Key, B. (2016). Why fish do not feel pain. Animal
Sentience: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Animal
Feeling, 1 (3), 39.

Arguments based on neuroanatomical considerations
and the principle that structure determines function.
Recommended commentaries include Morsella and
Reyes, Gagliano.

Rochat, P. (2003). Five levels of self-awareness as
they unfold early in life. Consciousness and Cognition,
12 , 717–731.

Evidence for five stages in humans: progressing from
confusion to self-consciousness from third- and first-
person perspectives.

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