
(Tuis.) #1



The view from within?

Price, D. D., and Barrell, J. J. (2012). Develop-
ing a science of human meanings and consciousness.
In D. D. Price and J. J. Barrell, Inner experience and
neuroscience: Merging both perspectives (pp. 1–30).
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

An overview of possible methods for a science of
meaning and experience, focusing on what to do with
the first person.

Thompson, E. and Zahavi, D. (2007). Phenome-
nology, In P. D. Zelazo, M. Moskovitch, and E. Thomp-
son (Eds), The Cambridge handbook of consciousness
(pp. 67–87). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

An introduction to the past and future of phenomenol-
ogy’s methodological and theoretical approaches to

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