
(Tuis.) #1


4E cognition (embodied, embedded,
extended, enactive) 26, 311; see also
embodied, cognition; enactive cognition

Aaronson, Scott 48, 140 – 141
abdominal breathing 179
Abhidharma 494
‘aboutness’ 23
absorption 212, 349, 355, 392, 422
AC see artificial consciousness
ACC see anterior cingulate cortex
access consciousness 34, 43, 88, 136, 168,
172 – 173, 477; see also phenomenal
acetylcholine 348
acid trip see LSD
A-consciousness see access consciousness
action: conscious vs. unconscious 194 – 197
adaptation 196, 254 – 255, 258, 287,
296, 343
Adaptation and Natural Selection 255
addiction 184, 354, 361
Adolphs, Ralph 87, 100
Advaita 493
afterimages 62, 393
afterlife hypothesis 428, 437
agency 218 – 245; attribution of 238, 379;
brain location of 429; independent 387;
invisible 121; v reception 294; and self
453, 457; sense of 29, 184, 189, 220, 237,
242, 420
aggression 242, 277, 279, 400
Aglioti, Salvatore 204
agnosia 169, 203, 208
AI see artificial intelligence
AIM model 348, 349, 402, 405
Albahari, Miri 455
alcohol 21, 150, 344 – 355, 357, 393

Aleksander, Igor 308, 329, 330, 331, 503
algorithm 46, 121, 213, 222, 296;
computational 306 – 307, 324, 331,
384 – 385; evolutionary 213, 251, 298,
310, 324; Google search 222
alien 237, 274, 379, 413, 450; abduction
382, 396, 414 – 415; hand 222
Alkire, Michael T. 93
Alpert, Richard 361
alphaGo 315 – 316
alpha rhythm 79, 182
altered states of consciousness (ASCs)
343 – 371; definition of 344 – 345,
366 – 368; drugs and altered states
25, 179, 351 – 362, 368, 423; hypnosis
as 365 – 366, 369 – 370, 390; mapping
347 – 350, 402 – 403; meditation and
362 – 364, 368; mental illness and
367 – 368; self in 263; sleep, and dreams
and 351, 370, 397, 398, 408; TMS
induced 80
altruism 277, 279
Alzheimer’s disease 150, 338
American Sign Language (ASL) 264, 272
amnesia 129, 143, 149, 150, 191, 449;
anterograde 149, 150; dense 150;
retrograde 149; source 94
amodal perception 58
amoeba 141, 257, 293
amphetamines 347, 351 – 352, 383, 384
amputee 98 – 99
aMuu 338
amygdala 80, 193, 399, 401, 406
anaesthesia 93, 121, 191 – 192, 349, 353
anaesthetic 93 – 94, 191 – 192, 214, 215, 264,
352 – 354, 423; isoflurane 93; ketamine
93, 353 – 354, 423; laughing gas 93, 352;
nitrous oxide 93, 352 – 353; Propofol 93, 94
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