
(Tuis.) #1

  • InDex

Analytical Engine 305, 323
anarchic hand 223
anatta 244, 436, 439, 505
Andrade, Jackie 36, 277
angels 252, 320, 430
animals: amoeba 141, 257, 293; ape
261; bat 32 – 34, 44, 279, 332, 461,
477; butterfly 92, 177, 256, 267, 492;
chimpanzees 146, 256, 261, 264 – 272,
279, 289; cockroach 20; consciousness
259, 262, 326; corvids 265; crows 261,
265, 274; dog 45, 263, 269, 338, 405, 461;
evolution and animal minds 249 – 275;
frog 258 – 259, 425; gorilla 66, 169,
256, 264 – 265, 272; horse 23, 32, 256;
imitation 265, 269 – 272, 282; language
82, 257, 264, 272 – 273; learning 24, 261,
270; lobster 257, 261 – 262; monkey
61, 82, 88, 91, 256, 264 – 267; octopus
257 – 258, 260 – 261, 273 – 274; orangutan
256, 263 – 264, 272; parrot 265, 272, 484;
pigeon 24, 244, 265; rabbit 153 – 154,
239, 284, 391; rat 24, 137, 254 – 256, 405,
406, 430; raven 261, 269; salmon 80; self-
recognition 262 – 267; snakes 152, 256,
377, 385, 394; suffering 261 – 262, 273;
termites 261, 270, 312; theory of mind
267 – 269, 273, 285; worms 32, 260
animation 330
ANNs see artificial neural network
anorexia 365 – 366
anoxia 430
anterior cingulate 116, 162, 222 – 223, 232,
366, 399, 406
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) 86, 95 – 97,
181, 480
anterior commissure 81, 89
anterograde amnesia 149 – 150
anxiety 146, 176, 211 – 212, 352, 358, 363 – 365
apparitions 413
archetype 382, 401
argument from design 249 – 250
Aristotle 303, 447
arousal 79 – 80, 134, 346 – 350, 380, 416,
418 – 419
artificial consciousness (AC) 308, 318,
320 – 322, 325, 330; building a conscious
machine 328 – 331; strong AC 308; weak
AC 308
artificial intelligence (AI) 303 – 308; good
old-fashioned (GOFAI) 307, 309, 311,
313, 326, 335; moderate AI 327; rule-
and-symbol 307, 310; strong AI 310, 318,
326; weak AI 308

artificial neural network (ANN) 26, 309,
310, 384
artificial scotoma 61
Aru, Jaarn 87
ASCs see altered states of consciousness
as-if: agency 332, 458, 507; consciousness
308, 319, 329, 339, 485, 507; creativity
324; free will 242 – 5, 507; intentionality
267, 304 – 305, 326 – 329, 485, 507; self
458, 507; thinking 318
Asimo (Honda’s humanoid robot) 323
ASL see American Sign Language
assisted suicide 279
‘Astonishing’ Hypothesis 118, 160, 241
astral body 423, 424, 425, 461
astral projection 417, 422, 423
atheist 493
atman 493, 505
Atropa belladonna 394
atropine 293
attention 159 – 184; and binding 132,
166, 171; and consciousness 159 – 163,
168 – 174; covert 164, 167; as easy
problem 46; focused 69, 132, 160,
177 – 178, 182, 347; interoceptive 183;
involuntary 161, 162; and meditation
175 – 184, 362 – 363; and memory 166;
schema theory 167, 171, 290, 295, 333,
453; selective 134, 170, 181, 353; spatial
166, 167; spotlight of 113 – 114, 159 – 163,
165, 167, 172; training of 466
attentional blink 90, 116, 163 – 164
auditory cortex 78, 86, 210, 399, 430
aura 379, 395
Austin, James 178, 181, 364, 495, 502
autism 144, 162, 211
autobiographical: memory 114, 265, 375,
450; self 265, 449, 450
automata 19, 305; Cartesian 261;
Conscious 19, 200, 257, 305
automatisation 95, 179, 194
automaton theory 28, 200
autopoiesis 473
autoscopy 421, 422, 425
awareness: self 119, 181, 257, 263, 265,
350; visual 84, 90, 118, 132, 153, 205
awareness neurons 57, 118, 154
AWARE project 429
ayahuasca 355, 359, 361, 394, 395

Baars, Bernard 95, 113 – 116, 119, 196, 257, 258,
285, 331, 450, 451, 477, 478, 503; Profile
113; see also Global Workspace Theory
Baba Ram Dass 361
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