
(Tuis.) #1

  • InDex

439; materialism (CM) 18, 58, 104 – 105,
134, 166, 192, 207, 214, 233
Cartesian Theatre 18, 104 – 107, 111 – 113,
135, 487, 499; audience in the 122, 292,
333, 386, 407, 409, 447, 458; Kismet has
no 339; pernicious 115, 407; there is no
409, 457
cassette theory of dreams 409
Castaneda, Carlos 394 – 395
Castiello, Umberto 203
caudate nucleus 86
causal efficacy of consciousness 199 – 200,
causal paradox 200
cause and effect 16, 506
Census of Hallucinations 377 – 378
Center of Narrative Gravity 336, 456 – 459
central nervous system 79, 228
cerebellum 78 – 79, 150, 222, 232
C-fibres 96 – 97
Chalmers, David 3, 12, 18, 20, 28 – 29,
38 – 39, 41 – 50, 88, 140 – 141, 210, 321,
327, 330; hard problem 3, 28 – 29, 44 – 50;
profile 41
change: blindness 54, 63 – 65, 259, 313;
detection 65, 68
chaos theory 251, 310
Charles Bonnet syndrome 381, 384, 386
chasm 27, 29, 85, 183, 362, 449
Cheesman, James 190
Cheney, Dorothy 267
chess 305, 306, 315–316
Chiang, Ted 243
chimpanzees 146, 221, 256, 261, 264 – 272,
279, 289, 290
Chinese Room 308, 325, 327 – 330, 335
Chopra, Deepak 120, 253
Chrisley, Ron 258, 327, 330, 334
Christianity 175, 180, 219, 244, 299, 437,
493, 503
chronic fatigue syndrome 367
Churchland, Patricia Smith 12, 39, 43, 45,
49, 117, 122, 183, 293, 468, 476, 478;
profile 49
Churchland, Paul 39, 49, 117
Church–Turing thesis 310
cingulate gyrus 61, 78, 80, 162
circadian rhythms 260
clairvoyance 388, 422 – 423, 430
Clark, Andy 65, 78, 91, 233, 311, 313, 456,
468; Profile 214
Clarke, Arthur. C. 392
Clarke, Chris 46
classical conditioning 24, 149

Claxton, Guy 213, 240, 244, 295, 497 – 498
Clowes, Robert 303
CM see Cartesian, materialism
CMF see Libet’s Theories, conscious mental
CNS see central nervous system
CNS depressants 79, 228
cocaine 500
co-consciousness 441
CODAM model 331
CogAff architecture 334
cognitive: maps 80; science 26, 28,
473 – 474, 476, 495; unconscious 31
Cog robot 322 – 324
Cohen, David 25, 101, 144, 169, 364
coherence 7, 46, 69, 120 – 122, 135, 333, 461
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 186, 213
collective unconscious 382
colour: figment 60; perception 38, 135; phi
153; qualia 38, 282, 288; scientist 38 – 40,
282, 328, 470; stimulus 373; vision 38 – 40
coma 6, 86, 93 – 94, 203, 243, 349, 405
computationalism 330
computational theory of mind 308
computer: analogue 308 – 309; digital 26,
46, 308, 309 – 310; digital vs. analogue
308; parallel vs. serial 309; science 25
Conan Doyle, Arthur 164
confabulation 123, 144, 146, 409
connectionism 26, 309 – 310, 322, 327, 335
‘conscie’ 282, 284
conscious: decision making 100, 172, 194,
214, 220; experience 20 – 23, 41 – 42,
86 – 88, 106, 111, 114; inessentialism
42, 209, 281, 284, 319, 470; mental field
(CMF) 45, 129, 196
consciousness: adaptive function of
279, 284, 287, 296, 404; and attention
159 – 163, 165, 168 – 174; causal efficacy
of 199 – 200, 288; core 265, 449; in cyber
space 300, 332, 460 – 462; defining 21,
32 – 33; extended 265, 449; evolution
of 44, 247, 249, 280 – 284, 289, 298,
403; function of 44, 105, 115, 276 – 281,
283, 289, 470; neural basis of 81, 87,
94, 96, 260; phenomenal (P) 34 – 35, 50,
134 – 136, 148, 261, 367; in psychology
21; pure 23, 179, 472, 503 – 504; reflexive
model of 477 – 480; simultaneous
441, 450; split 144; unity of 120 – 121,
128 – 155; waking consciousness 343
contrastive analysis 95, 115, 450
core consciousness 265, 449
corpus callosum 78, 81, 143 – 145, 222
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