
(Tuis.) #1

  • InDex

doorway test for auras 395
dopamine 322, 351, 353, 359, 360, 364, 423
Doppelgänger 421
dorsal attention system 161 – 162, 166, 184
dorsal stream 81, 131, 132, 204 – 205, 208,
210, 227
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 89, 181, 222,
223, 399, 401, 420
double transduction 123
DPMC 95 – 96
dreams 61, 67, 114, 186, 196, 349, 398 – 407;
bizarreness 407; cassette theory of
409; day 115, 182, 346; evolution of
403 – 404; as experiences 398, 408; falling
412 – 413, 416, 425; lucid 348, 398, 405,
408, 414 – 422; phenomenology of 407,
409; recall 400, 404, 406; retro-selection
theory of 410, 415
dress, the 373 – 374
Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde 440
drugs 344 – 346, 350 – 362; amphetamines
347, 351 – 352, 383 – 384; anaesthetics
93 – 94, 191 – 192, 214 – 215, 352 – 354,
423; mind-altering 344, 346, 351;
psychedelics 351, 354 – 369, 385, 422,
508; psychoactive 200, 350 – 351,
354 – 355, 359 – 360; stimulants 351 – 352
dual-aspect 45 – 46, 479; monism 479;
theory 15, 18, 45
dualism 12, 15 – 18, 20, 39, 44 – 45, 58, 97 – 98,
100; Cartesian 15, 104, 120, 122, 439;
Descartes 104, 106; double 232; mind-body
130; naturalistic 18; property 15, 18, 471;
quantum interactive 120; substance 15 – 16,
129, 437, 479
dualist theories of consciousness 15 – 18, 21
dual-process theory 95, 187
dynamic core 138, 297

Eagleman, David. M. 153, 234
easy problems 28 – 29, 44 – 49, 81, 100 , 101
ECCE robot 324, 332
Eccles, John 18, 120, 129, 195, 196, 227,
231, 235, 437
echolocation 33, 203, 273
ecstasy 344, 351
ectoplasm 377 – 378
Edelman, Gerald M. 119, 138, 273, 296, 297,
461, 478
EEG see electroencephalogram
ego theory 439, 442 – 443, 456; see also
bundle theory
Ego Tunnel, The 350
Ego tunnel 350, 453

eightfold path 491
Einstein, Albert 37, 78, 384, 429
élan vital 11 – 12, 284
electroencephalogram 79, 400
eliminative materialism 36, 77, 117, 197,
293, 345, 436
embodied 26, 78, 88, 96, 125, 186, 212,
266; action 29, 142, 205, 214; agents 311;
cognition 77, 311, 314, 322, 323, 473;
see also 4E cognition
embodiment 455
empathogens 351
enactive cognition 70, 473
encephalisation quotient 265
encephalitis 150, 430
endorphins 364, 430
Engel, Andreas 133, 134, 136
Engler, Jack 497
enlightenment 175, 363, 490, 493, 497,
502 – 505, 506
entheogens 355, 359
enzyme 355, 359
epigenesis 253 – 254
epilepsy 133, 144, 382, 422, 440
epileptic 379, 382, 424, 426
epiphenomenalism 19 – 20, 43 – 44, 98, 197,
281, 284, 288
epiphenomenon 25, 42, 114, 279, 370, 407
episodic memory 150, 331, 353, 356,
400, 437
epistemic 386, 437, 468
epistemology 2, 481
epoché 22, 472 – 473
Erasmus 242
Escher, Maurits Cornelis 294, 451, 452
ESP see extrasensory perception
eureka moment 213, 306
evoked potential 79, 225 – 228, 425
evolution: of consciousness 44, 207,
249, 276 – 284, 289, 298, 403; cultural
213, 255, 270; directed 251 – 254; of
dreaming 403 – 404; theory of 19, 250,
278; zombie 41 – 44, 281 – 283, 287
evolutionary psychology 276 – 278, 284
evolutionary theory 249, 276, 335
exceptional human experience 362
existentialism 359, 374
exorcism 122
experimental psychology 25, 175, 447
explanatory gap 28 – 29, 120, 183, 287, 504
extended: consciousness 265, 449; mind
77, 125, 213
extrasensory perception (ESP) 389
eye movement 49, 130, 167, 406, 420
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