
(Tuis.) #1


face: analysis of 89; area 91, 193, 384;
recognition 146; visual 96
false awakening 413
false belief 267 – 269, 499, 505
false intuition 49
false memory 374 – 376
‘fame in the brain’ 117, 167
Faraday, Michael 236, 238 – 239
Farthing, G. William 346
feature integration theory 132
Fechner, Gustav 22, 160
FEFs see frontal eye fields
Feinberg, Todd E. 107, 258, 260, 285, 287
Fenwick, Peter 363, 429, 506
Feynman, Richard 354
filling in the gaps 57 – 63, 449
first-person approaches 465 – 469, 476, 478,
482, 487
First World War 421
Fisher, Matthew 121
Flanagan, Owen 281, 404, 478
flash: drag effect 153; -jump effect 153; -lag
effect 153
Flash Gordon 283
Flaubert, Gustave 35, 329
Fletcher, Pat 209, 210
flow 212
flying 412, 415
fMRI 80, 88 – 89, 162 – 163, 232 – 233;
scanner 426
form constants 381 – 384, 393, 412
Four Noble Truths 490 – 491
fovea 58 – 59, 65 – 66, 160, 162, 251, 331, 395
Fox, Oliver 417
Francis, Bruce 150
Frankish, Keith 294
Franklin, Stan 331, 462
free will 118 – 121, 170, 218 – 245; as illusion
53, 235, 238, 241, 243 – 244; see also agency
free won’t 231 – 232
Freud, Sigmund 30 – 31, 401, 404
Friston, Karl J. 88, 406, 407
Frith, Chris D. 223, 295
frogs 258 – 259, 425
Frohlich, Friedrich W. 153
frontal eye fields 162, 164, 166, 181
frontal lobe 78, 81, 135, 138, 212, 404
fronto-parietal network 86 – 87, 131,
224, 451
fugue 33, 440, 450
functionalism 198 – 199, 206, 283 – 288,
293, 476 – 478; computational 310; and
identity theory 19; and self 459; virtual
machine (VMF) 334

functional MRI see fMRI
future selves 459 – 461

Gallagher, Shaun 455, 472
Gallup, Gordon 264, 265, 314
Gallup poll 314
Galton, Francis 143
gamma 132 – 133, 182, 364, 420, 476
ganzfeld 384, 389 – 390, 392
gap: explanatory 28, 29, 120, 183, 287,
504; filling in the 57 – 63, 449; mysterious
27 – 29; William James and 57
Gardner, Allen 272
Gardner, Beatrix 272
Gazzaniga, Michael S. 144, 146, 147, 148,
439, 450, 451
genetic drift 251, 254
Geraerts, Elke 375
germ line 253 – 254
getting out of bed 222
ghost in the machine 16, 18, 292, 430, 449,
Gibson, James J. 70
Gillett, Grant 442
glial cells 79, 290
Global Workspace Theory (GWT) 100,
113 – 117, 131, 140, 169, 196, 331;
neuronal 116
God 7, 175, 180, 219, 244, 250, 279, 280, 321, 492
Gödel 451
Gödelian 325
GOFAI see good old-fashioned AI
Goodale, Melvyn A. 203, 204, 205, 208, 210,
227; profile 203
Good Friday Experiment 362, 370
Goodman, Rod 314
good old-fashioned AI 307, 310, 326, 335
Google 222, 315, 317, 384, 385
Goswami, Amit 120, 253
Gould, Stephen Jay 255
grand illusion 52 – 72, 91, 171, 273, 374
Gray, Jeffrey 36, 45, 196, 288
Graziano, Michael S. A. 167, 171, 290, 295,
333, 453; profile 168
great chain of being 252 – 253
Green, Celia 414
Greenfield, Susan 259, 284, 320
Gregory, Richard 26, 55, 61, 231, 354
Greyson, Bruce 428
Gulf War syndrome see PTSD
GWT see Global Workspace Theory
gyrus: cingulate 78, 80, 162; frontal 86,
222; fusiform 86, 89, 91, 144; inferior
temporal 86; occipital 86
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