
(Tuis.) #1

  • InDex

habituation 181, 407
Hacker, Peter M. S. 147–148
Haggard, Patrick 221, 223, 233, 234, 240
half-second delay in consciousness
224 – 228
Hall, Calvin 400, 478
Halligan, Peter 152, 293
hallucinations 376 – 387; auditory 359, 379,
381 – 382; Launay–Slade Hallucination
Scale 378; misperception 376; pseudo
376 – 377, 383; visual 354, 359, 361,
378 – 379, 381, 384
Hameroff, Stuart 46, 121, 122, 333
Hamilton, Sir William 159
Harding, Douglas E. 499 – 500, 501
hard problem: of consciousness 28 – 29,
44 – 50, 57, 70, 84 – 87, 100, 111, 141;
insolubility of 46; non-existence of 117;
pretty 48, 140 – 141; solving the 120,
287, 330, 474, 476, 509; tackling easy
problems 46
Hardy, Thomas 373
harmaline 359
harmine 359
Harnad, Stevan R. 304
Harré, Rom 442
Harris, Samuel B. 238, 243, 245, 492, 493,
499, 500; profile 491
Hart-Davis, Adam J. 391
hasheesh (hashish) 21
health: inessentialism 282; mental 180,
356, 365; physical 175, 180, 191, 253, 339
Hearne, Keith 416, 419
heautoscopy 421 – 422
Hebb, Donald O. 84, 133
heedlessness 499, 502
Heidegger, Martin 471
hemianopia 206
hemifield neglect 151, 152
heterophenomenology 471, 483 – 488
Heyes, Cecilia M. 266, 269
higher order 34, 43, 231; consciousness
258, 261, 286, 415; global states
(HOG) 197; perception (HOP) 198;
representation 386; syntactic thought
(HOST) 197; thought (HOT) 198, 209,
257, 261, 331
Hilgard, Ernest 365, 366
Hinduism 175, 180, 186, 423, 430, 493, 503
hippocampus 80, 144, 150, 288, 399, 406
Hirai, Tomio 181
Hobbes, Thomas 290
Hobson, Allan 348, 349, 401, 403, 404, 406,
407, 408, 415; profile 402

Hodgson, Richard 439
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 200
Hofstadter, Douglas R. 283, 290, 325, 451,
452, 453, 468, 500, 501, 503
Holland, Owen 313, 314, 324, 333; profile
holographic reality 429
Homer 286
Homo habilis 290
Homo sapiens 291, 395, 458
homunculus 56, 100, 110, 172, 214,
313, 449, 450; somatosensory 99;
unconscious 84, 111
Honorton, Charles H. 392
HOP see higher order, perception
Horikawa, Tomoyasu 410
HOT see higher order, thought
Houston, Jean 360
hua tou 180, 500 – 501; see also koan
Hubbard, Barbara Marx 146, 253
Hui, Neng 499, 501, 504
Hume, David 103, 439, 443, 448, 454;
profile 438
Humphrey, Nicholas K. 72, 100, 141, 267,
276, 280, 283, 285, 289–290, 291, 292,
293–294, 295, 404; profile 288
Humphreys, Christmas 490, 496
Hurley, Susan L. 141, 199, 205
Husserl, Edmund G. A. 22–23, 471,
472–473, 475, 503
Hut, Piet 472, 473
Huxley, Aldous L. 357
Huxley, Sir Julian S. 252
Huxley, Thomas Henry 19, 200, 252
Hyman, Ray 391
hypnagogic 365, 377, 382, 412, 413;
imagery 377, 382, 411, 412
hypnopompic imagery 411
hypnosis 25, 152, 343, 375, 391, 422, 440;
as ASC 344, 351, 365 – 366, 369 – 370
hypnotisability 212, 392, 422
hypnotise 177, 192, 365, 366, 369, 423,
440 – 441
hypothalamus 78, 80, 150

IAM see internal agent model
iCat robot 338
IDA see intelligent distribution agent
idealism 20
identity 19, 33, 103, 118, 227, 274, 454, 475;
behavioural 42; disorder 441; personal
346, 365, 437, 438, 446; theorists 77, 97,
346; theory 19, 117
ideo-motor action 218
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