
(Tuis.) #1


Ikkyu 180
Iliad 285 – 286
illusion 40; body-swap 263, 481; café wall
54 – 55, 376; of free will 243, 300; of
impossibility 67; maya 493 ; rubber-hand
263, 354, 426, 480; self as 449, 451 – 452,
461; unity as 142 – 143; visual 22, 53 – 54,
204, 245, 294, 376; see also grand illusion
illusionism 50, 243 – 244, 283, 294, 295
imagery: hypnagogic 365, 377, 382,
411 – 413; hypnopompic 411
imagination 365, 372 – 374, 378 – 379,
386 – 390, 396 – 397, 407; see also reality
imitation 59, 265, 269 – 271, 285, 298, 336 – 338
imitation game 316 – 318
immortality 274, 436, 439, 459, 508
inattentional blindness 54, 65 – 68, 71, 163,
169, 174, 183, 259
incubation 212
ineffability 37, 362
inessentialism 42, 44, 209, 281 – 282, 284,
287, 319, 470
inhibition 224, 297, 356; reciprocal 90
insula 86, 382
Integrated information Theory (IIT) 20, 91,
93, 119, 138 – 142, 167, 296, 333, 361
intelligence 45, 92, 140, 250, 261, 265, 273,
281; artificial 2, 14, 26, 198, 273, 305, 316,
330; phenomenal 339; social 290 – 291;
without representation 267, 312 – 314
intelligent distribution agent (IDA) 331, 332
intentionality 23, 26, 325, 325 – 329, 337,
472, 484; real 308, 326, 328, 485, 507
intentional stance 267, 336 – 337, 484, 486
interactionism: dualist 18, 120, 129, 195,
231, 437; symbolic 291
Internal Agent Model (IAM) 332
Internal World Model (IWM) 332
internet meme 298, 299, 373
interpreter 146, 439, 450 – 451
introspection 23 – 24, 286, 291 – 292, 309,
464 – 467, 484 – 487
intuition 34, 47 – 49, 56, 114, 172; pump
36, 39
Islam 175, 219, 244, 437, 492
IWM see Internal World Model

Jackendoff, Ray 85, 478
Jackson, Frank C. 38, 40
Jackson, J. Hughlings 380
James, Henry 21–22
James, William 20 – 21, 23 – 25, 27 – 28, 30,
36, 44 – 45, 55, 57, 85, 107, 128, 142,

159 – 160, 168 – 170, 187 – 188, 193,
218, 220 – 221, 238, 284, 292, 299, 344,
352 – 353, 362, 439 – 440, 442, 446 – 449,
454, 464, 475, 506; profile 22
Jarvik, Murray E. 383, 384
Jastrow, Joseph 188
Jaynes, Julian 285, 286
jhanas 363 – 364, 493
Johnson, Samuel 26, 222, 478
Joyce, James 299, 309
Joycean machine 299
Judaism 175, 180, 492
Jung, Carl G. 25, 382, 401, 424

KA see Kernel Architecture
Kabat-Zinn, Jon 176, 498
Kafka, Franz 7
Kammann, Richard 389
Kant, Immanuel 136, 447
Kanwisher, Nancy 91, 95, 205
karma 349, 506
Kasparov, Gary 315
kensho 502 – 503
Kepler, Johannes 56
Kernel Architecture 330
ketamine 93, 353 – 354, 423
Kihlstrom, John F. 192
Kim, Jaegwon 199, 200
Kirlian photography 396
Kirsch, Irving 366, 369, 370
Kismet (‘sociable robot’) 323 – 324, 337 – 339
Klüver, Heinrich 382
koan 180, 475, 500 – 501, 504
Koch, Christof 46, 58, 59, 60, 77, 81, 83, 84,
85, 86, 87, 88, 93, 110, 111, 118, 122, 132,
133, 136, 145, 169, 170, 171, 297, 458,
476, 478; profile 95
Korsakoff ’s syndrome 149 – 150
kosmic consciousness 213, 253
Kosslyn, Stephen M. 108
Kozuch, Benjamin 88
Kramnik, Vladimir 315
Kubla Khan 212
Kummer, Hans 267
Kurzweil, Ray 320, 325, 459

LaBerge, Stephen 416, 418, 419
Lady Lovelace’s objection 323
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 251, 252
Lamarckism 252
language: animal 82, 257, 264, 272 – 273;
body 67, 269, 337; instinct 271; natural
331, 335
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